
Christian Art Vs Greek Art Essay

Decent Essays

Compare/Contrast of Ancient Greek art and late Antiquity art
While most art styles differ in many ways there are no two art forms, in my opinion, that differ and contrast each other as much as Greek and early Christian art seem to. And so, today we will be comparing but mostly contrasting these two art forms from each other.
Greek Art is based most on worldly situations, this is because the Greeks viewed man as the measure of all things, and they spent most of their time trying to create the “perfect” specimen of humanity. The Greeks strive for perfection resulted in them making very realistic art pieces such as statues; these statues were almost always of young men at their prime and were called kouros. The attention to detail that the Greeks had, along with the muscle definition and the expressions the statues often possessed, the archaic smile in the archaic period that represented being alive and the emphasis the people of the Hellenistic period had with draping and non-geometric, “wet” garments for women, resulted in Greek art becoming one of the most realistic but also idealized …show more content…

This form of art is based on a canon that was created in the Late Empire period of the Roman Empire, for a sculpture called the tetrarchs, which shows four people, two ceasers and two agustie, with short and stocky bodies, big heads, hands and feet, slim shoulders, and expressionless faces. Christian art is largely portrayals of Christ as a young and carefree Sheppard, because of how hard life was for the Christians at that time. It was very idealistic and did not have accurate portrayals of the human body, in what is assumed to be the Christians attempts to distance themselves from anything that resembled the Greeks and romans. Christian art was also mostly done for inside churches, and was not for

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