
Choosing the Business Structures for Our Business

Decent Essays

When choosing the business structures for our business, we had to look at all the business structure, which are being used in the UK. The main 4, which we discussed and looked at, were sole traders, business partnerships, private limited companies, and public limited companies. Looking at our company we consisted of 9 people who were actually running and would own the company, so the option of being a sole trader wasn’t obtainable for us, as in a partnership it would have meant that there could be one owner who is running the actual company, so this didn’t not suit our company as we were 9 people so we had to take this option away even though we still discussed the advantages and disadvantages of being a sole trader in order to broaden our knowledge in this subject. So as sole trader was not an option anymore we were left with 3 more options, which were:
• Business Partnerships
• Private limited companies
• Public limited companies
Business partnerships would have consisted 2 to 20 people. There are 3 types of business partner in essence when taking into consideration ‘partnerships. The 3 types of partnerships would be ordinary partnership, limited partnership and limited liability partnership.
Ordinary partnership is 2 or more business partners starting a venture together, but in an ordinary business partnerships share the responsibility of the business. The profit is shared between the partners equally depending on how many partners there are.
Limited liability

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