
China is an Economic Giant in a World of Environmental Challenges

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After three decades of economic growth like a skyrocket (See Figure 1), China has become an economic giant in world but at a disastrous cost --- environmental challenges. The poor treatment of industrial spills and different other major kinds of wastes, specifically electronic waste, plastic wastes and food wastes. FIGURE 1. Growth of China’s gross domestic products. To begin with an overall image of how trash is handled in China. Generally, people do not classify their trash at home; recyclable and regular waste are disposed of in the same bins. Also, levels of waste collection services vary across the country. In some areas, waste is collected up to three times per day, but in other undeveloped areas, there is no regular collection at all. The trash collectors come around to take the trash away, and what the citizens need to do are to place the trash bag at a specific place close to their resident buildings. The collected trash were shipped to garbage transfer station by specialized trucks. After the trash is arrived, the first step was to classify into organics, inorganics, recyclable and unrecyclable. Then these classified trash are handled with three methods. First of all, some of unrecyclable and inorganics are transported to landfills, then are filled into the pits. Second of all, some organics were transported to a composting plant, which are used a plant fertilizer after composting treatment. Third of all, the recyclable waste will be recycled.
In China,

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