
Children Need Both Sides

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Children Need Both Sides of the Story It is important to have both sides of the story in children’s stories that have a bad guy. With both sides presented children can learn that the bad guy isn’t always a bad person, they may have been trying to do something good, and it just turned out bad. Things aren’t always what they seem, and children to need to see different points of view. The person who we perceive as the good guy can change with a simple change in point of view, and sometimes we need to show someone other than the traditional good guy winning in the end. In the traditional classic ‘fairy tales’ we know and love from our childhood, there is a bad guy and a victim. The bad guy can come in many shapes and sizes, from the big bad wolf …show more content…

The stories I have always heard have Snow White’s stepmother as the bad guy, such as in the way it is told to Daphne Skinner in Disney’s My Side of the Story, and is the same in the classic telling of Cinderella. This telling shows children just because we view someone as being a bad guy doesn’t mean that they are a bad person. People generally have a reason for acting the way they do, even if it is not the best way to get what they want, or handle a situation. In Maleficent she acts this way because she has been hurt and been attacked, she wants revenge. Instead she ends up loving the child, and trying to remove the curse. Ultimately she ends up with love, which is all she wanted to begin …show more content…

Lady Tremaine starts of discussing how her girls were very shy, and she says “I hoped she might befriend my darlings and help them to overcome their shyness”. But she starts noticing how ‘Cindy’ in malicious while pretending to be sweet and helpful. Her daughters, Anastasia and Drizella, warned her of Cindy’s behavior, and with her strong maternal instincts, she listened. She decides that the girls need to spend less time together, so she gives them all new responsibilities. She gives her daughters little tasks, such as wearing clean gloves, picking flowers, and putting dirty clothes in the hamper, but gives Cindy the tasks of all the washing and ironing, dusting and sweeping, scrubbing, mending, taking care of animals and serving breakfast. In her mind, as a mother, she was trying to protect her children from a girl whom she viewed as conniving and out to hurt her children. The busier she made sure Cindy was, the less time she would have to hurt her daughters. Lady Tremaine has a different view on when Cinderella comes in wearing the dress the mice made for her too. She saw it as a “hideous, ill-fitting frock that looked as if it had been sewn by rodents”. She says they done her a great favor, and told her ever so gently that she should stay at home because her dress was unsuitable for the ball. After Lady Tremaine figures out that Cindy went to the ball, she comes to the conclusion that the only way

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