
Childhood Observation

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Forty Five! Forty Six! Forty Seven! Those numbers were the highlight of my family reunion. It was all because of my cousin Steve. The whole family would stand around him counting how many pushups he could do after drinking 5 or more cans of beer, it was like basketball season you were anticipating it. He drank beer everyday not just one can, but more than the amount of fingers on both hands. Steve could drink alcohol until he was blue, but still manage to accomplish so many things. For example, he maintains a morning exercise routine, teaches Karate, and learns to cook like a true chef. Steve impresses me with everything that he does eventhough he drinks excessively.

First thing that he does is start his day with a routine workout. You would …show more content…

He was proud to be a karate teacher and you can tell by the wide smile on his face as he walks in. When you walk into the room it was filled with adults of different ages all wearing neatly pressed white Gi and their different colored belts tied tightly to their waist. The sunlight was beaming through the window to your left and the huge rectangle shaped mirrors in the front of the class showed everyones reflection to help them follow Steve. He would start up the class with basic warm ups of 10 minutes which included arm expansions, hip rotations, stretches for the hip, stomach and legs. Then he will teach them to do a "Gudachi fighting stance" where you put both arms up putting your weight 50/50 on each leg then lifting your leg, one leg at a time to do snap kicks. Towards the end of the class the beginner students and upper classmen will work cooperatively to practice sparring. The beginner students will practice basic punches and kicks , while the upper classmen will learn to block by looking at the facial expression and body language to predict their opponent. Steve will monitor and give feedback on their techinique. At the end of the class each student will be doing their Kata which is a technical dance for there belt and they will bow down afterwards saying " Thank you, Sensai"! Then Steve …show more content…

Wearing his chef hat you can see his face was red as a cherry but he is ready to feed us with his famous Italian cooking. During the time he is cooking he will gulp some beer in between and make jokes to keep us entertained. We sit on his snug couch listening to him and the spicy tangy aroma will fill the room. He will start off by giving us an appetizer of freshly cut mozzarella on top of a thinly cut juicy tomato and a side of fresh baked bread that he hand makes. The warm fresh bread can be dipped into olive oil with pepper and spices. The main course is usually a pasta of some sort. The pasta consist of sliced tender sausages, melted creamy cheese of different kinds, oregano, penne noodles, and spicy arrabiata sauce. He finishes off the dinner with a perfect dessert. Usually a Cannoli or Tiramisu. Both are made to perfection especially the Tiramisu, it is light and fluffy, not too sweet and the chocolate powder melts in your mouth. Steve has learned to cook by reading different cook books and practicing every day. He loves exerting himself to learn new things and perfecting them even as he drinks

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