
Childhood Obesity In The United States Essay

Decent Essays

In the recent decades, obesity has grown into a major health issue in the United States. Obesity in the United States has become the country with the highest rate of obesity in the world. Obesity seems not to be only found in adults anymore, appears to be found among children and it’s a serious life threatening. Childhood obesity turned into a medical situation that children are destined to suffer from psychological, health problems and health care cost that affect children’s.
Childhood obesity seems like a doorway to major health and psychological problems that children suffer from in today’s society and can affect the children future. Children experience overweight and obesity and these two have a different meaning. Overweight means that the child weighs more than normal. On the other hand, obesity means that the child appears to be extremely overweight. Childhood obesity appears to be one of the biggest concerns among children’s health because of the particular conditions have severe health complications and lowers quality of life of the children. The health and psychological problems seems to be very serious and very common and can turn out to be deadly diseases. Today appears that more children happen to become more obese. …show more content…

The first lady Michelle Obama took the initiative to inform about the epidemic of obesity among children’s because “Over the past three decades, childhood obesity in America have triple, and today nearly one in three children in America are overweight or obese” (Let’s Move). The percentage of young children ages six through eleven years have increase in eleven percent that means that children obtaining more weight, also among teenagers ages twelve through nineteen years old who have been obese and this number has increase from five percent to nearly twenty one percent over the

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