
Childhood Memories Of My Childhood

Decent Essays

Some of my fondest childhood memories are of camping trips my parents would take me on starting at a very young age. These memories consist of walking a dark forest trail in the middle of the night, black bags hanging from the hands of all the young children with hopes of catching the mysterious snipe that had been roaming the woods, gathering around warm fires on cool nights with people you barely know and hearing out their past adventures, hoping to one day to take their place with adventurous of my own, getting poison ivy rashes from roaming too far off the trail, scraping up my elbows and knees tumbling over and through rough trails, and getting a fishing hook to wedge itself deeply into my palm. Every day was some plan to try …show more content…

The dusk rolled around, the sky had a few, small, white clouds drifting around, but nothing that covered the view of the sun which set with vibrant colors of red, orange, yellow, purple, and reflected off the water and sand around us.

Early morning on the first day, Tanner had it in his head that I should learn how to ride a longboard. I accepted his challenge to learn and quickly began trying to ride and quickly began realizing it might take a while before could. The next few hours were filled with steps to improve my balance and comfort until I was riding up and down small hills comfortably with decent control of the board. Then Tanner decided that I was ready for a real hill, I was hesitant at first but he convinced me and I soon found myself looking down a hill and questioning what I had done to put myself if this position. Before I really had time to think about it I was going. I gained speed quickly, I could see the sun glisten off the water and feel the breeze steadily pick up. It was great. Then I fell. I could feel my feet hitting the ground one after another but soon my feet were behind me and I was landing on my side on the concrete road. By the time Tanner made his way back up the road I was

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