
Childhood Interviews

Decent Essays

Interviewer: Okay, we were talking about Illinois Action for Children, you said sometimes they come out and do lessons with the kids? Interviewee: Yes, I hope they don’t cut the program out. I love the program. A person comes in, different, like pizza, what's that called, like biscuits. They tell you how to make different healthy snack, in case the children, you know they play with clay and they eat it, and so they won't get sick, you have to make the clay from dough and coloring food on the stove. Interviewer: Oh, like the Playdough, yeah. Interviewee: I love that. They come in and show you how to eat healthier, how to cook and how to cook with the children. I love them. Interviewer: How did you find out about them, do you remember? …show more content…

A lady comes out in a van that looks like a library or a bookstore or whatever and they come out and read to the children. So, I signed up for them and they started coming in and bringing me like different toys or read and then she let me have the different toys and books that she was reading to the children. I love their program. Interviewer: Yeah and so, do they come in once a month. Interviewee: Yeah, they will come in once a month. Interviewer: Yeah, that is a great resource. Interviewee: And it's free. Interviewer: That’s always nice too, right. And the kids like it? Interviewee: I enjoy it. She stays around for like an …show more content…

I'm open on Saturdays too so, they eat with me the majority of the time. If you are here 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or 4:p.m. I have a big influence on how healthy foods they eat, how often I feed them, and I'm number one. Interviewer: Okay, then I also wanted to ask you about any training that you have had on meal times or on nutrition for young kids. Can you describe the last training that you had on one of those topics? Interviewee: I have training every year and you have to have this in order to get your license. They will come in and make sure your license is up to date and you have to have your food training. You don’t have to take that many hours, I took like four hours. Interviewer: Okay, was any of the training you did this year or last year on nutrition or feeding kids? Interviewee: It's always on nutrition; they trained for portion a couple years ago. Like if your vegetables are bigger and they change the milk a couple years ago from 2 percent down to 1 percent milk. YOU have to have training every year to keep what's new and the portion

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