
Childhood Development And Child Development

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Piaget believed that cognitive structures and abilities developed first. Cognitive abilities then determine children’s abilities to reason about social situations (Slavin & Schunk, 2017). Piaget did not believe that younger children understood the concept of moral reasoning, but believe that they respond to rules and disciplinary actions. Piaget propose that moral development progress in predictable stages (Slavin & Schunk, 2017). As my children started aging between 5 and 10 years old, everything that I modeled they followed or any adult figure in the household. They thought this was the norm at this age. At this age, children assume that everything that they see from an authority figure is correct. As I grew up in my 2-parent home, I knew that anything that my father or mother told me, I had to do because if I didn’t I would get punished in some form or fashion. Considering, they never told me anything wrong to do. I lived in a God-Fearing home. Psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg extended his research from Piaget's theory to the ages of 10 - 13. All children have different issues and considering the situation depends on whether the outcome will be positive or negative. Kohlberg developed different level of stages in this theory. He wanted to know the reason behind why children think their charisma is right or wrong. These levels are distinguished by how the child or adult defines what he or she perceives as correct or moral behavior (Slavin & Schunk, 2017).

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