
'Child Soldiers Should Be Prosecuted': Article Analysis

Decent Essays

Although some may argue that child soldiers should be given amnesty and not be punished for their crimes they are wrong. For example, they had a decision and many chances to not commit crimes, but most child soldiers decided to keep on living and kill their families. In the article, “Child Soldiers: Victims or Perpetrators”, they discuss that child soldiers join because they get tricked. As it states, “Children are forced by commanders through false promises, drugs and things which you can’t even imagine, to kill innocent civilians, other children and even their own families.” This shows kids could’ve denied being a soldier but they easily fall for trick to join then they decide to kill their families because they get told to do so. It’s their fault for making that …show more content…

In the article, “Child Soldiers Should Be Prosecuted”, they discuss how child soldiers get forced or made to do these crimes they wouldn’t do. It states, “Children are often forced into fighting and have little choice over whether or not they enlist. After that, they are following orders of adults rather than acting of their own free will. The recruiters of child soldiers also use drugs and alcohol to make children more compliant and to enable them to commit acts they would not ordinarily commit.” This demonstrates that kids do get forced to join in someway and the drugs they are given enables them to do such horrifying crimes, but studies have actually shown that most joined that most had the decision to join or they weren’t forced. Although a large portion were made false promises or tricked to make this decision, they didn’t have to join or they didn’t need to commit crimes. Even if they get influenced and were made to do this due to the drug’s influence that just means that they are a danger because for them it easy to now kill like if it was nothing. To conclude, they have no excuse to not be prosecuted because they are just children, even if others believe they should be given amnesty

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