Intro: Child soldiers have helped the world make decisions about rights of children and the crimes that some have committed . Child soldiers are children who are recruited by the government, taken from their parents, or join because the war is their only option. The children in these situations are under the age of 18 and are brought into the war to be fighters, cooks, suicide bombers, unnecessary purposes, human shields, messengers, or spies. Child soldiers have brought up many debates in the past as well as they will be in the future. One major debate within the topic of child soldiers is if the child soldiers should be given amnesty. Child Soldiers should not be given amnesty because child soldiers have mental disorders from the war, They have the potential to be dangerous, and because many children grew up in the war causing …show more content…
This point has brought up several debates that the Regional Academy on the United Nations (R.A.U.N) has brought up many times. The R.A.U.N. states,”There are three ways in which children are recruited - they are...forcibly recruited," (Markovic 2). Many child soldiers are forced to join the war if their villages get attacked. When this happens, the children are forced to be separated from their families and get thrown into the lifestyle of war. However, what Markovic fails to mention in that paragraph is that majority of child soldiers join on their own. Markovic later comes back to this point in a later paragraph on the same website and states the fact that a majority of child soldiers join the army out of their own will, (Markovic 4). Markovic addresses the very important fact that not all child soldiers are forced to join the war. Some children join as a last resort and others join because the war might seem welcoming. No matter the reason, there are some child soldiers who join because it is their choice. They were not forced or put on drugs. It was a conscious
Child soldiers are a problem that not many people think about anymore because people may believe that they are not a relevant issue.Child soldiers are still a very relevant and important issue. With terrorist groups like the infamous ISIS recruiting children.Former Child soldiers deserve amnesty because they don’t have a choice when becoming a soldier, they will make use of their second chance, and not all child soldiers are killers.
Child soldiers should not be granted amnesty because in some cases the soldier is in control of his or her actions. In paragraph 4 of “ Prosecuting Child Soldiers For Their Own Safety” it says “But there are cases of child soldiers clearly in control of their actions. “ who were not coerced, drugged or forced into committing
It is common for child soldiers had no choice in joining war efforts. Often child are kidnapped and forced into the war: “It is estimated that over the last 15 years 10,000 children have been abducted by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) around Gula in northern Uganda, alone” (Children in Conflict). In places where poverty is high parents may send their children into the war in exchange for food or monetary value (Children as Soldiers). During Hitler’s reign, young boys were forced to attend Hitler Youth: “Membership in the State Youth becomes mandatory. The boys in Werner’s kameradschaften are taught parade maneuvers and quizzed on fitness standards and required to run sixty meters in twelve seconds. Everything is glory and country and competition and sacrifice” (Doerr 62). Children in wars are also subjected to sexual abuse from adult soldiers around them. The emotional impact from the sexual abuse and the highly dangerous situations they are placed in may last for the rest of their lives (Child Soldier 46). The use of child soldiers has been banned since 2000 when the United Nations adopted a protocol stating that the forced recruitment of children under 18 for armed conflict is illegal. More than 110 countries have ratified this protocol, but it continues to be an issue around the world (Facts About Child
Around the globe, in the past and present, children are being recruited to fight as soldiers in wars sometimes as young as 5 and up until they are 18 or older. These children soldiers should not be given amnesty because giving them amnesty could give others encouragement to keep using them, everyone has the same rights which means everyone has the same consequences, and some child soldiers have committed the most violent and harsh acts in wartime, and they can be dangerous to keep in our country.
First, children are recruited into government armies or any private organization because they are acquiescent to people who tend to be older than them.
War, in and of itself, is an atrocity, but it becomes even more abhorrent when children are pulled into the conflict. Unfortunately, some military groups find children useful in the war effort. The wars these children are forced to be part of often leave wounds--both psychological and physical, but these kids can be healed, at least to an extent, and rehabilitated. Children are often used in war because it is easy and efficient to use them as compared to their adult counterparts. For one, children are easy to control, coerce, and indoctrinate.
For years children are being forced by commanders into being a soldier, this is due to conflicts between states and civil wars. Some children are even under 10 years old when they are being forced to serve, despite this, in the last 10 years, at least 10 million children are being killed or left seriously injured. Some children are willingly volunteer themselves, as they believe it would be giving some form of income and security. At least 10 or 30% of soldiers are reported to be girls, they are often used for fighting, many of them are abducted or recruited by the force.
Imagine being taken from your house and your family and being forced to fight in a war. This is what some child soldiers have to go through. Not to mention after they are taken they have to risk their lives and be forced to kill. Some are even as young as 5. Child soldiers should receive amnesty if they were young when they were taken, were forced, and show remorse after they were rescued and understand what they did.
Since they may be ten or even younger when they join the army they would probably have very little education so they would not be able to support themselves. They are given drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, and alcohol and can become addicted to them. The drugs changes their behavior and makes it easier to convince them to fight and kill even on the front line. With the addition of the drugs they may even if slowly begin to surely enjoy killing others. Additionally, a girl that is used as a child soldier is subject to other abuse such as rape.
Child soldiers should be given amnesty because they were forced into having to go to war and if they refused to then they were either shot or killed. They were drugged if they said yes so then they will actually go out into war and fight. These kids knew what they were doing but at the same time they did know what they were doing and they couldn't resist it because they would be shot or most likely killed. So think about it if you were in charge of a country with child soldiers asking for amnesty would you give the child soldiers
Child soldiers should be given amnesty (freedom) because the children are forced into the military through many circumstances, they go through gruesome tasks to stay alive, and because the children are
First off, child soldiers are often forced to be recruited. “Often they are abducted at school, on the streets or at home.” ("From Cradle to War." Amnesty International. Amnesty International USA, Web. 3 May 2016.) Almost all child soldiers are forced to do things as a soldier that they wouldn’t actually do, such as hurt or kill others. So although some child soldiers want to hurt or kill, most don’t want to. So obviously, most child soldiers are forced to do bad things that they don’t want to do, and wouldn’t do if they hadn’t become a soldier.
First, the children should be given amnesty because the soldiers are brainwashed and forced to fight. From the article, What We Can Learn from Child Soldiers, it says, “Child soldiers forced into military service… in the first few weeks of being abducted… they know what they are doing is wrong, but the more they kill people, the more they rape or do other things like that, their brain and moral compass switch off.” This quote shows how the children change from the time they are recruited to when they are in a fight and are killing people. Can you imagine a child as young as the age of ten
The use of child soldiers have become a normal contribution to armies, especially in countries such as Africa. Although, countries such as Afghanistan, India, and Libya have been using child soldiers since 2011. According to “Children in Conflict: Child Soldiers,” there has been 36 countries involved since 1998. Something needs to be done about this issue due to the fact that thousands of
Suppose a new juice company is attempting to penetrate the market. In order for their brand to be recognized, they need to create a logo clearly shows what company they are, a logo that clearly shows what the product is and it all needs to be able to attract attention to potential buyers as they walk through the grocery store. Suppose a large corporation wants to ensure that their brand is still thought upon highly and not going out of style. What all these companies would traditionally conduct is a survey. They would ask the survey taker a question about their impression of a new design or current brand and compare it against other potential designs or competitors. However, these traditional surveys lacks one important element which is the first impression. When taking a survey, you rarely are under a time-limit and they will occasionally even ask the taker to type out their response. This method would completely drop their first impression since by then, the user would’ve had plenty of time to think about the product, something that may not happen when someone walks through the grocery store aisle and gives each bottle of juice only a passing glance.