
Child Observation Report

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Tatiana contacted QP asking for her to accompany her back home because she was afraid that her father would hit her. Tatiana stated that she was late coming home and that her father was upset at her. Tatiana’s tone of voice indicated, that she was scared and worried. Tatiana asked, QP to pick her up 4472 Maine lane, which is about five miles from her home. Tatiana stated that her father was texting her and treating her which made her scared to go home by herself. Tatiana was not at the address she asked to pick up from. Tatiana was at home with her father and the police office. Tatiana stated that she was not thinking of hurting herself. Tatiana stated that she do not like when her father yells at her. Tatiana stated, that her friend mother, drooped …show more content…

Mr. Ridley stated, that Tatiana was give permission to visit her friend yesterday afternoon and was told to return back home at 8pm that evening. Mr. Ridley stated, that Tatiana did not return back home until 7pm today. Mr. Ridley stated, that he tried to contacted Tatiana all evening the day before. Mr. Ridley stated, that he belief that Tatiana was not visiting her friend. Mr. Ridley stated, that Tatiana has someone else contacted him about where she was staying. Mr. Ridley stated, he informed the person via text message that he would like his daughter to come home immediately, and if they do not bring her home he will contact the police. Mr. Ridley stated that he did not contact the police until today. Mr. Ridley stated, that he do not know who brought Tatiana to the house because Tatiana came walking from around the corner. Mr. Ridley stated, that Tatiana is lying about her where abuts. Mr. Ridley stated that he will press charges on the person Tatiana was with. Mr. Radley stated, that Tatiana would not tell him who she was with. Mr. Ridley stated, that he will keep an eye on Tatiana during the night, to make sure she do not try to harm herself. Mr. Ridley stated that he will talk to Tatiana when she

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