
Child Neglect Thesis Statement

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I. Introduction
A. Attraction Sentence
Lisa, 5 years old, is arriving at school late and unaccompanied. In heavy rain, she has been wearing a thin jacket and she is very cold and shivering.
B. General Statements
Child neglect is not always recognizable through a child’s outward appearance. Research for Action for Children in 2009, which surveyed 1,000 adults, showed that the public was unclear about what constitutes neglect and uncertain about how and when to act if they were concerned that a child was being neglected. The experience of child neglect makes a child’s life miserable, but it can affect all aspects of their development. C. Thesis Statement The impacts of child neglect include restricted brain development, social- emotional and communication development. …show more content…

Suggestions/ recommendations
1. As a significant challenge to children’s development and well-being were posed by child neglect, limitations with regard to the state of the knowledge being discussed deeply.
2. A comprehensive family assessment being carried out by assessing parenting attitudes, knowledge and skills.
3. Cooperation between government and non-government agencies establish a helping alliance and partnership with the family to develop communication skills and build more sustaining relationships with others.

1. Lanius, R.A, Vermetten, E., Pain, C. (2010). The impact of early life trauma on health and disease: The hidden epidermic. Canada: Cambridge University Press.
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2. Spratt, E.G., Friedenberg, S., LaRosa, A., DeBellis, M.D., Macias, M.M., Summer, A.P., Hulsey, T.C., Runyan, D.K., & Brady, K.T. (2010). The effects of early neglect on cognitive, language and behavioral functioning in childhood. Psychology, 2, 175-182.
Retrieved from http: //

3. Blue, L. (2012, July 24). The lasting effects of neglect: Altered brain structure in children. TIME.
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