
Child Development: Piaget's Cognitive Development

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After having been granted permission from the parents of “Sophie,” I was able to observe her while she interacted with her family, played, and walked from one place to the next. Sophie is the three year old toddler of one of my family members.

Physical Development:

At Sophie’s age it is common for toddlers to be agile; jumping, climbing, kicking, they are on constantly on the move. Movement is crucial for strengthen the muscles in their body, in addition to enhancing a toddlers coordination, since they still tend to be a bit clumsy. With this in mind, I noted several things as I observed Sophie. As she walked across the living room of her house, her steps were a bit clumsy.

Cognitive Development:

With regards to Piaget’s developmental theory children around Sophie’s; ages two to seven years are at the preoperational stage. During this stage children are attempting to learn a language by representing objects by using images or words. Unfortunately, while I was observing Sophie, she would …show more content…

At this time toddlers are beginning to understand how relationships work, along with being able to determine that other people have different feelings than they do. In connection to Vygotsky’s theory, it is common to see children observe and learn from their environment and from the people around them, through communication. In Sophie’s case, when her sister was watching television Sophie sat next to her and watched the program as well. She would often point at an image she recognized on the screen and identify it by speaking its name. Her sister would agree with her, and praise Sofie when she identified the object and pronounced the word correctly. And would often correct Sophie when she mispronounced a word. This action exemplifies that Sophie is absorbing and learning from what she is seeing and hearing in her home. Indicating that she is actively learning from her

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