
Statistics And Facts About Child Abuse

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Child Abuse is defined as “when a parent or caregiver, whether through action or failing to act, causes injury, death, emotional harm or risk of serious harm to a child” (“The Issue of Child Abuse”). Sadly, more than 6 million children are being abused each year in the United States (“Child Abuse Statistics and Facts”). Without proper treatment, the effects of their abuse will follow them into their adult lives. Studies have shown that “80% of 21-year-olds who reported childhood abuse met the criteria for at least one psychological disorder” (“Child Abuse Statistics and Facts”). Reports have also established that approximately 14% of men and 36% of women currently in a U.S. prison had been victims of child abuse (“Child Abuse Statistics and Facts”). In fact, estimates show that the overall cost of child abuse in the U.S., including health care, child welfare, and prison costs, is approximately $124 billion (“Child Abuse Statistics and Facts”). With the ever-growing number of child abuse cases in the United States, child maltreatment has led to detrimental effects in the lives of the victims and in the U.S. as a whole. Although male and female victims have slightly different responses to abuse, victims have a high chance of developing one or more mental illnesses, are unable to form healthy relationships, and develop a propensity to a life of crime.
Abuse at a young age contributes heavily to the acquisition of mental illnesses, such as depression, PTSD, schizophrenia, and

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