
Chewbacca's Virtue Analysis

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“Easy now, sister.” To his own wonderment, he cradled her slight, fragile build, and gentled her into a more comfortable position on the cot. “We can talk when my co-pilot, Chewbacca, comes back with something to drink. So, for right now, just keep your eyes closed 'till I say so. Or else it's gonna hurt , might even do some real damage without you knowin’ it. I'm a pilot, not a doctor.” Han reviewed her eyes another time. They were a little less dilated. She’s puttin’ up a fight, this one. It boosted his moral. “ You’ve been frozen in Carbonite. I dunno how long it’s been since you’ve been in there … but I’m guessin’ it’s — … it’s been a while.” After making use of the extra padding and pillows by stuffing it behind the woman's back, Han plopped back down on the end of the bed, arms …show more content…

For, in all honesty, the choice of hauling jets with Chewie after betraying the Empire had so far been one of his greatest decisions in his overall twenty-six years of existence. Nevertheless, circumstances here were separate, not like now. If anything, Han already understood that he had done essentially condemned him. From the moment Chewbacca helped board the mystery Carbonite slab onto the ‘Falcon. Further compromised his association by caring for her. Instead of reporting the incident to the authorities, allowed them to organize the mess he had discovered. Thus, Han slipped ever deeper into a dither. Han hazarded a probe after a long, buzzing reticence. “ “So… Padme, huh? Unique name you’ve got there. Little outdated, yeah? I’d say by more than a couple hundred years.” Another frantic handful of seconds in clumsy silence passed before Han supplied, “Solo — my last name; you can trace it back generations, back to the Dark ages on Corellia. I’ve always been told it’s unique ‘cause of that. — Where’re you from? Doesn’t sound like it’s from the core worlds. You from the

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