
Chevy's Core Values

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For the last 100 years, Chevrolet has prided itself and strived to maintain the core values of the company and vision of Louis Chevrolet through “performance, durability and value.” (Chevrolet, 2015) Chevrolet, Chevy, has branded itself as a key component of American history and cultures, just as American as apple pie and baseball. (GM Buys Chevrolet, 2015) Chevy remains patriotic and All-American through taglines like, “America’s Best Seller” and “Chevy Runs Deep”, a tagline referring to the American Revolution. (Ferrell & Hartline, 2014, p.412) American sporting events are also locations of product branding and marketing for the automotive company.

All changes within the brand, even changes as simple as using Chevrolet over

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