
Chest Pain Case Studies

Decent Essays

Ms. Robidoux is a 26-year-old female here today with her daughter, Charlie, to discuss a recent emergency room visit for chest pain.

The patient tells me that she has had this same chest pain in the past. She has been a cardiology at Wentworth Douglass Hospital in her teen years from about 16 to 20. She was followed by cardiology there. She had multiple on the stress evaluations, echocardiograms, Holter monitors, EKGs, and was told that she had "a sensitive heart". The patient tells me when she would get the episodes in the past, she was finding that they were lasting a few hours. They would typically resolve on their own and they did not seem to be associated with anything in particular. The patient has noticed some palpitations at times, though she does not think that this changes the pain at all. She has also felt more short of breath than typical at rest and with activity. The patient now tells me she is under a tremendous amount of stress. Both her mother-in-law and sister-in-law have been arrested. Their niece, who is eight years old, they are trying to work on getting custody of. Apparently, whatever the issue that caused them to be incarcerated was unknown to the rest of the family. She has unfortunately lost her job. She is now working towards starting a …show more content…

BP: 126/70. HR: 78. R: 14. W: 270.

A well-developed, well-nourished female in no acute distress seated comfortably in the exam room. She is alert and oriented. Very pleasant. She answers questions appropriately.

Supple. No bruits or JVD. No masses or tenderness.

Regular rate and rhythm. Normal S1, S2. No murmurs, rubs, or gallops.

Clear bilaterally with good breath sounds. No wheeze or rhonchi.

Soft, obese, nontender. No masses or discomfort. She has no lower extremity swelling.

Her emergency room reports from Exeter Hospital as well as the studies were reviewed with her here in the office.

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