The Plight of Oysters in the Chesapeake Bay Estuary Introduction The aim of this lab is to determine if the Seven River oyster is suitable for oyster restoration. During this lab we learned that Salinity affects the oysters if it is more than 10-13ppt. We also have knowledge that there is a parasite (the protozoan, Haplospordium nelson) that causes the disease MSX in oysters (Readel, 2000). Moreover, at the lab we knew that MSX bacteria will grow if salinity is above 15 ppt that will cause the oysters to die. The oysters can be affected by MSX if the salinity is above 15 ppt (Readel, 2000). Furthermore, Oysters are also used to filter the water of the river. Also, we learned that the range of tolerance of salinity for oysters is 10-27 …show more content…
For example, sodium chloride is an ion because it components are oppositely charged which are Na+ and Cl-. The ions were measured in the lab by the conductivity meter. There is a straight direct relationship between salinity and conductivity which means that whenever salinity increases conductivity also increases and when salinity decreases conductivity also decreases. If there is less water, but still the same amount of ions, I would expect that conductivity would increase, as there is more ions in less amount of space which makes the salinity increase and as a result the conductivity also increases. The standard curve is a curve that is used to determine the value of unknown quality. It is used for this lab to determine the salinity of the Seven River estuary. The standard curve enabled us to experimentally determine the relationship between two quantities which are the salinity and conductivity. The dilution was made by putting together each part of the sample which were the distilled water and the salted water. We the distilled water in a separate breaker and the NaCl solution in another breaker. We also had a measuring cylinder to use when we were testing the samples. Then, we start using doing each sample that we had and after measuring them we measure the conductivity by the conductivity meter by plugging the conductivity probe in the breaker to get the amount of conductivity in each sample Furthermore, we had to …show more content…
The graph that has been made explains the relationship between 0the salinity and conductivity including the trials. The graph showed that salinity was increasing and as a result conductivity was also increasing. The trend line showed the direct and stable relationship which was whenever salinity increases conductivity also increases. The equation from excel was y=999.66x+646.4. R2 was = 0.99656. Then we solve the equation to get the answer for the salinity. We start with plugging the conductivity number instead of Y and the we solve the equation to get the salinity which we be 15.85ppt. As a result the salinity of the Seven River estuary is equal to
“The pH of a solution is a measure of the molar concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution and as such is a measure of the acidity or basicity (sic) of the solution. The letters pH stand for power of hydrogen and the numerical value defined as the negative base 10 logarithm of the molar concentration of hydrogen ions.” (PH, 2002). The pH scale is from 0 to 14. When the pH is higher, the hydrogen ions are fewer and the substance considered alkaline. This means when a pH unit increases by one, there is a tenfold change in the hydrogen ion. For example, if a substance has a 7 pH, it has 10 times as many as hydrogen ions available as 8 pH. A lake having a water pH between 6.5 and 8.5 is considered to be neutral. Researchers tested Peckham Park lake water monthly from August 2015 to April 2016 for water pH levels. A water quality PH test strip taken from a jar and dipped into the lake. After a few minutes, the strip will turn a color and this color determines the pH. The jar the strips came in has a chart of the colors on the back which compared to the color on the strip. The lake tested monthly using the PH test strips, which show the pH level, hardness, toxic, etc. using color-change
The purpose of this lab was to answer the question, “Of the saline solutions of 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2% sodium chloride (NaCl), which solution will yield the highest hatching viability for the brine shrimp?” The hypothesis was that the saline solution most precise to the concentration of NaCl in seawater, which is approximately 3.5%, will yield the highest hatching viability. Therefore, the 2% NaCl solution will yield the highest hatching viability.
Construction of each substrate: Rock Crevice: The rock crevice used four rocks to make a crevice shape Rock Structure: The rock structure was made of three rocks, two rocks on the bottom level and one resting on top of the others to make an overhang. Seaweed: Find a small bunch of Bladderwrack-Fucus seaweed and weigh it down with a small rock so it does not disturb the other substrates. Shells: Collect periwinkles (both smooth and common), dogwhelks, and a mussel or clam to make up the shell area.
The development of A. salina will be unfavorable if exposed to too much ethyl alcohol. Treatment two and three have more ethanol alcohol than treatment one and more brine shrimp died when put into more ethanol alcohol. Since the viability was less than the viability in treatment one, the hypothesis was supported. Treatment four was the constant and had no ethanol alcohol which less cysts died when compared to treatment two and three, but when compared to treatment one, more had died,
Only one method of planktonic sampling was used so comparison with another method of sampling cannot be done. It is safe to assume that the most appropriate method of sampling in these areas was previously determined by the lab instructor. Isolation of organisms in the samples was met with some difficulty as there was very little life to be observed. Once isolated however, a general identification was simple with the use of the “quick picks” section of the Marine Invertebrate Zoology Lab Manual. One particular organism isolated from the “T-docks” samples, a foraminiferida, was chosen for scientific drawing (Figure 1).
The Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center, more commonly called “Annmarie Gardens”, plays host to numerous cultural events in Calvert County. The sculpture garden itself covers over 30 acres of woods and fields beside a creek stemming from the Patuxent River. While the various, annual events often feature works from various local artists, local musicians, or even local businesses, Annemarie Gardens also plays host to a wide array of permanent pieces that have become treasured works to the residents of the area.
The native oyster of the Chesapeake Bay is the Eastern oyster; also known as the Crassostrea Virginica. One of the many diseases found in the Eastern oysters are: Dermo disease and multinucleated sphere X disease (Graczyk, et al, 2006). Fayer, et al (2010) found that even if frozen oysters were contaminated with feces they could still survive. As stated by Graczyk, et al (2006), the oysters contain human enteric pathogens. Oysters contain a bacterium that can clean the bay naturally by itself. Since the oyster’s population decreased dramatically it takes longer for the bay to be cleaned. Strickland (2009) stated “the oysters used to be able to clean the water in the bay with in three days but now it takes up to an entire year to get the job done”. Graczyk, et al (2006) stated that “due to over harvesting in the Chesapeake Bay Eastern oysters are becoming at a point of
Brine Shrimp are a micro-crustacean that is found mostly in inland saltwater bodies, however, the salinity levels that they live in vary greatly. The conditions that they require can be made at home as the eggs (cysts) of the shrimp are dry, hard shells that can withstand drought and go without water for up to 50 years. This study presents the results of 3 different salinity levelled environments to the Brine shrimp in order to discover a salinity level that produces the most successful hatching rate. By filling 3 Petri dishes with 20mL’s of purified water, each dish contained varying sodium chloride amounts from 15ppt, 25ppt, and
Studies have repeatedly shown that as oxygen concentrations decrease, the abundance and diversity of fish decrease (Breitburg). Fish kills, in which large numbers of dead and dying fish float to the surface or wash onto shore, are probably the most dramatic and publicly visible manifestation of hypoxia and nutrient over-enrichment of coastal waters(Breitburg). In addition to mass mortalities that are easily observed, high mortality of fish lacking a swim bladder can occur leaving little or no visible evidence of fish at the surface or littering beaches (Breitburg). With no fish, shrimp, or crabs the Louisiana fishing market takes a huge hit that the economy feels in a major way. The gulf accounts for almost one-fifth of the countries fishing landings, which total to be three billion dollars (Petrolia). Fishing is not only a major part of Louisiana’s economy but also its culture. Without wildlife in our waters microorganism are given more opportunity to grow leading to bacteria infected waters. These bacteria infected waters could cause major health risks for those who come in contact with
Many habitats in the Chesapeake Bay watershed are degrading by time and losing their functionality. Because it sounds as “Utopia” to conserve and protect all the habitats in such a complex ecosystem, the most important habitats shall be targeted. These specific habitats are the wetlands, riparian forest and streams. Each of these habitats represents one of the essential landscape ecology principles. Wetlands act as buffer zone and provide critical habitat to some species in the Bay. It is important to sustain the Estuarine Emergent Wetlands in order to provide a place for breeding, nursery and reproduction. The riparian forest buffer represents the patch edge which normally functions as a filter that reduces the surrounding influence on the interior patch, the Bay and wetlands (Dramstad, Olson and Forman, 1996:29). The forests filter
We also tested the conductivity and pH when these minerals interacted with water. In particular, the pH of the water
Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome (POMS) is a disease which affects Pacific Oysters and it is caused by a virus called OsHV-1 micro variant. It has been present in three estuary systems in NSW - Georges River, Parramatta River and the Hawkesbury River. A suspect case has also recently been detected in involvement with mortalities of farmed Pacific Oysters in Tasmania. The first reported POMS mortality outbreak in Australia was recorded in NSW in 2010. POMS affects Pacific Oysters only, with no other oyster species at risk. This virus cannot be transmitted to humans and there are no human health insinuations. Since the first detection of POMS in NSW, movement restrictions have been in place on oysters and oyster products to reduce the risk of spread to other areas. It is not known how the virus disease reached Australia. It is believed that this disease can be transported via boats, equipment handling and environmental.
A single oyster can filter as much as 50 gallons of water per day (“NOAA…”). Past research has been done in which oysters have been able to decrease the amount of Labyrinthula zosterae, an eelgrass pathogen, from the water column (which for these purposes is defined as a column of water from the surface to the bottom). It isn’t known, however, whether oysters can filter other pathogens like S. marcescens. If oysters could remove S. marcescens from the marine environment, oyster beds could be planted to protect Elkhorn corals located in areas where wastewater treatment is lacking or ineffective. Protecting corals will become increasingly important as global warming is becoming increasingly urgent. As global warming increases, tropical waters will heat up making the environment less suitable for corals. The increased temperature will also aid in the growth of S. marcescens as the marine environment begins to more closely model the human body, speeding up the process of coral extinction even further (“Human Waste…”). We will need the coral reefs to protect the coastlines from tropical storms, which will increase as global warming worsens
OsHV-1 μvar is a genotype of this virus (3). The underlying factors of oyster mortality direct to high temperatures, low salinity and algal blooms. (4) Once seawater reaches the threshold of 16°C it becomes optimal territory for the virus causing the death of the pacific oyster (8). If a pacific oyster resides in a body of water that is flourishing with biological nutrients such as phosphorous, this speeds up the growth rate of the oyster making it more susceptible to the disease (6).
Background: The consumption of raw oyster is popular throughout the United States, however, individuals with certain medical condition can become severely sick if they consume a raw oyster that is contaminated by naturally-occurring bacteria. Vibrio vulnificus is commonly found in waters where oysters are cultivated, and in the summer months the concentration of Vibrio vulnificus bacteria increases in warm coastal areas. Oysters often contain higher concentration of Vibrio vulnificus bacteria because they feed by filtering the coastal water where the bacteria is found. It is not possible for an individual to tell through smelling or looking at the oyster. Individuals who are at risk are those who have a liver disease, diabetes, cancer, stomach disease, and people who have a weakened immune system. The people at risk will generally show symptoms of Vibrio vulnificus infection within 24 to 48 hours of ingestion. Some of the symptoms include sudden chills, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shock, and skin lesions. If left untreated, people in the at risk population can die from the infection within two days. Common myths including adding lime juice, wasabi, and hot sauce cannot kill the bacteria. Only cooking it to the proper