
Cheryl Strayed's Essay 'Reach'

Decent Essays

Although there are elements of ethos-including: personal stories, and “referrals” to professionals, the most prominent argument in the essay “Reach” is pathos. Strayed’s use of: emotionally charged words, and examples involving children, animals, and the loss of love really drives that point home. “Reach” is the story of the owner of a business in real estate related field who cannot seem to catch a break. He was involved in a car accident which damaged his spine and led to his pain medication addiction; His relationship with his wife has been slowly dwindling over the last ten years-they have only stayed together for their kids, and his business is failing due to the economy. These hardships have led him to Sugar (Cheryl Strayed) for advice. In this particular advice column, Strayed uses the pathos argument the best. She offers words of encouragement: “‘You say that you don’t have the ‘discipline’ to follow through’ when it comes to kicking your addiction, but you do.” Emotional words such as: judged, condemned, ego-driven, and comforted contribute to the feelings Strayed is trying to portray …show more content…

She states “That the two of you have managed-after your ten happy years together-to roll on for another ten “peaceably,” in spite of the enormous stress you’re under, is an accomplishment that you mustn’t fail to recognize. It may indicate that the love you once shared isn’t dead.” Strayed also mentions his four children, she basically says that “by not getting help you’re hurting more than just yourself,” playing the guilt card in a way. Even though pathos is the main argument, there are also signs of ethos in this advice

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