1. Many early cancers often are not associated with any pain and often few, if any, clinical symptoms. Discuss why this might be so?
Many individuals who are in their early stages of cancer do not experience any pain because cancer can induce its signs and symptoms. The reason behind this can be the location, size of the cancer. Also, the addition, some cancers will not show signs and symptoms. These diseases, such as pancreatic cancer, are sometimes referred to as "silent." They are often diagnosed at a late stage when the disease is much more difficult to treat or even cure (Cancer Signs and Symptoms Overview, 2013). Furthermore, if cancer is invading location of the body the patient can suffer from pain effect that the cancer can cause depend on the surrounding environment. In such as, bone metastases and prostate cancer that can cause a severe
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Chemotherapy affects the bone marrow, which is the main producer of the white blood cells and platelets. The white blood cells and platelets are most likely to be affected by chemotherapy. Leukopenia, a drop in the white blood cell count means the immune system cannot function properly. In addition, the pros of keeping cancer patients in the hospital during aggressive chemotherapy treatment is the scheduling of drug administration, which is very important. Many studies showed that cancer can develop drug resistance if there are a significant delay between planned courses of chemotherapy (Huether & McCance, p 260). Also, being in the hospital will benefit the patient because the medical staff there to monitor the patient for symptoms and side effects. On the other hand, there is cons to have the patient kept in the hospital like inconvenient. Sometimes when Patient must be admitted to the hospital for chemotherapy, it could be inconvenient to him or his family. Also, it could be expensive as well to be in the hospital and some patient may not be able to afford
Geraldine current problems include pain. There are many causes of cancer pain, but often cancer pain occurs when a tumor presses on nerves or body organs or when cancer cells invade bones or body organs. Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery also may cause pain. (Melinda R., 2017)
The main concern of Mrs R is chronic pain related to bone pain due to bone cancer with metastatic cancer in the liver as evidenced by the presence of verbal and behavioural indicators of pain such as anxiety, concerns and tension, grimacing, complaints when ambulating with a walker and a pain level of 8/10 at 8:00am.
Since prevention is the most significant cancer preventing tool, it is essential that cancer be discovered as soon as possible prior to infecting the whole body. The symptoms of cancer will depend based on the location, size, and how greatly it influences the organs or tissues. If a cancer cell has extended over large area of the body, then symptoms will definitely appear in various parts of the body. When a cancer
Pain is one of the most common and feared complications of cancer. It is exacerbated by stress, anxiety, fatigue, and malaise which accompany advanced cancer. Pain is generally absent in the early stages of cancer, but it is a significant factor as the illness progresses to advanced stages. Cancer-associated pain can arise from a variety of direct and indirect mechanisms including direct pressure, obstruction, and invasion of a sensitive structure, stretching of visceral surfaces, tissue destruction, infection, and inflammation (McCance 2010). Pain is generally accepted as whatever the patient says it is, wherever the patient says it is. Treatment of pain and its associated symptoms is a primary responsibility of the healthcare team. Treatment modalities for pain include the use of opioid analgesics, patient-controlled analgesia, psychological interventions, and preventing recurrence of pain. Reinforcing the reporting of pain by the patient is important, as is a respect for the social and cultural differences with respect to pain perception.
TCM believes that the main pathogenesis of cancer is deficiency of vital Qi and the invasion of toxic pathogen, and then lead to a local accumulation of pathological waste products with phlegm coagulation, Qi stagnation, blood stasis, and toxin retention at a later time. Pain in cancer patient may cause by obstruction of Qi and blood. Pain is a common symptom of advanced cancer, when damage of vital Qi and lead to deficiency of vital Qi and blood, tendon-meridian lack of nourish at a later time, “non nourishes lead to pain”. So when Qi stagnation and Blood stasis will be result to “obstruction lead to pain”. In Huangdi Neijing (“The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon”) , this text states: main etiology of pain may arise from cold and heat, main pathogenesis
the metastatic tumor burden, not just the primary tumor. Second, many patients with widespread disease are debilitated and are often not considered fit to undergo the stress of general anesthesia and operative
Pain, which is defined in its widest sense as an emotion which is the opposite of pleasure (White, 2004, p.455), is one of the major symptoms of cancer, affecting a majority of sufferers at some point during their condition (De Conno & Caraceni, 1996, p.8). The World Health Organization (WHO, 2009, online) suggests that relief from pain may be achieved in more than 90 percent of patients;
Identification of pain has been the most feared and common symptom of cancer (Sloan, et al. 1999). The joint project that includes primary, secondary and tertiary levels of care were successful in breaking down the barriers that crossed traditional boundaries in cancer care. Steering committee member were identified and meetings took place between multi-professional teams and project coordinators to identify their issues and concerns and communication, discharge, pain management and symptom control were identified. Multidisciplinary groups worked were
At this time I felt dreadfull with pain from the cancer treatment. The active cancer did not cause me much pain. However it disprupted my pshyic and emotional well being if you read the forward in this book you
It is perfectly safe to be around other people, including children and pregnant women, when you are having chemotherapy, but you will need to try to avoid contact with people who have infections. This is because your ability to fight infections (your immunity) is not as strong as usual during each chemotherapy cycle. You are most at risk between seven and 14 days after your treatment. Some men choose to avoid very crowded areas during this time to help reduce the risk of getting an infection.
I realized that I myself have not dealt with a patient who has just found out about a diagnosis of a specific cancer. It was hard to identify with his patient personally in an emotional/physical way. Since I had not dealt with this previously, I tried to put myself in her shoes and to realize and take into consideration everything she was saying. I asked her what it feels like within her body and what her pain characteristics were. She stated “aching and constant pain all over” as an example of how she herself would describe her pain. I also wanted to change any stimuli that may have been a trigger. I decreased the stimulation by closing the blinds, lights, turning the volume down of the TV, helping the patient back to bed, and closing the door (which the patient agreed to and verbalized it was helpful).
According to Lossignol (2012, p.10) cancer treatment can also result in pain, thus, two major ways to alleviate the pain include considering the aetiology
- Palliative care and lack of it (the patient with torturous pains caused by side effects of full dose rounds of chemotherapy and ovarian cancer did not get the right of controlled analgesia).
Cancer patients who have received chemotherapy treatment, will be affected by cancer related- fatigue. The impact of fatigue on daily functioning, including physical, mental and emotional, behavioral and social, occupational and economic effects. The mental-emotional effects of fatigue results in the need to push themselves to do things, decreased motivation or interest, and feelings of sadness, frustration, or irritability during their experiences with fatigue. Fatigue management can be bed rest and relaxation followed by diet or nutrition, vitamins, and prescription drugs (Christine at.al,
Cancer has become a world-wide problem and the common treatments are not as helpful as people want them to be. People want the alternative cancer treatment that is not surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy. However they want a treatment that will work better than the ones mentioned above. One of the alternative treatments for cancer is Immunotherapy and using it as a treatment can affect the economic factor and the factor in positive and negative ways.