By definition, chemistry is the scientific branch concerned with atoms, molecules, chemical elements and how they form compounds and undergo reactions.
This science gave humanity the chance to understand not only the chemical and physical properties of chemical elements and compounds, it unlocked endless opportunities for humans to prepare, find, and use these elements in every field and aspect in their daily life. This includes engineering, medicine, nutrition, scientific research, experiments and industries.
A chemical element is a species of atoms having the same number of protons in their atomic nuclei (that is, the same atomic number or Z). 118 elements are found, of which the first 94 occur naturally on Earth with the remaining 24 being synthetic elements.
An atom is the smallest constituent unit of ordinary matter that has the properties of a chemical element.
Every solid, liquid, and gas is made up of neutral or ionized (gaining or losing electrons) atoms.
Chemical elements constitute all the ordinary matter in the universe excluding dark matter in space which is yet to be discovered and studied.
The most common elements on earth are hydrogen, and helium that mostly formed after the big bang.
All chemical elements known to mankind are present in the “Periodic Table” that arranges them and summarizes their chemical properties.
One of the mostly used chemical elements in life is Copper “Cu”
The word copper derives from the Latin “cuprum,” which translates into
3. Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, and magnesium are elements essential to life.
* Protons and electrons have equal and opposite electrical charges. Protons are positively charged, and electrons are negatively charged.
Chemical properties- pertain to the way atoms interact with one another • Atoms or groups of atoms rearrange electrons in outer shells. This creates chemical bonds. • 2 types of chemical bonds: 1B1. Ionic Bond 1B2. Covalent Bond • Human body has 25 related elements • 96% of the weight of the human body • 4 (COHN) • About 65% of your weight is oxygen atoms • 0.01% of body weight is composed of the 12 trace elements Fe, F, I • Trace element fluoride is a form of the element Fluorine • Naturally found in drinking water • Added to dental products to benefit in two ways: tooth remineralize & microbial inhibition • Iodine is needed for normal thyroid development • Goiter • An iodine deficiency causes abnormal growth of thyroid.
chemical element here on our own planet Earth. Though it is a rare, unreactive noble gas,
According to Carolyn Ruth, author of “Where Do Chemical Elements Come From,” chemical elements came from the explosion of stars, also known as supernovas. In her article, Carolyn states that a newborn star is mainly composed of the first element on the periodic table, Hydrogen. Due to the high pressure within the star, a fusion process begins that fuses two protons and two neutrons together to form the second element, Helium. These fusion processes continue to form elements that weigh less than Iron. Once the star creates all elements up to Iron, the star eventually collapses and explodes. One article that agrees with Carolyn’s theory is “The Origin of the Elements and the Life of A Star”. According to this article, stars produce nuclear reactions
12. Briefly define the following: Matter is anything that takes up space. Element is any substance that can’t be broken down into substances with different properties. Atom is the smallest part of an element that displays the properties of the element.
In the world there are 118 different elements. Each of these elements have a specific job that they accomplish for us and the Earth. Some of these elements are used more than others. There are even a few that do not occur naturally on Earth, which means they are created in labs or in other controlled areas. Many are even harmful to us which can cause many illnesses if not treated with care. Although some may be harmful or some may be man-made they serve a purpose in order to keep our world going.
The number of protons in the nucleus of the atom is equal to the atomic number. The number of electrons in a neutral atom is equal to the number of protons. Electrons are the smallest of the three parts that make up atoms. Both protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus. Electrons are sometimes found in the orbitals or the shells. The atoms of elements have different numbers. Every element has its own unique atomic number. That number tells you the number of protons in every atom of the element. The
Chemistry relates to everything we touch, see, smell, hear, and taste because atoms make up everything in the universe. Chemistry influences so much in our everyday lives that it is hard to think of an activity that does not involve a chemical process in some way. The science also plays a major role in the human body. Our bodies are made up of chemicals, in fact almost 96% of our body mass is made up of four different elements: hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen. Besides the physical way I am affected by elements, chemistry also majorly affects me in my line of work as a certified nursing assistant. As a certified nursing assistant I work in a nursing home and
Dalton proposed that all matter is made of atoms (tiny indivisible particles), which cannot be destroyed. He visualised atoms as a solid particle without a structure. All atoms of an element are identical in mass and properties. The atoms of one element differ from the atoms of all other elements in atomic weight. Compounds are combinations of two or more different types of atoms. A chemical reaction results in the rearrangement of atoms in the reactant and product compounds and they don 't destroy or create atoms.
Over the course of the last 5000 years, mankind’s knowledge has been constantly advancing. Chemistry, a branch of science, has experienced a tremendous leap and expansions since ancient Greek civilization. One of the major breakthroughs in the advancement in Chemistry was the creation of the Atomic theory, which laid a foundation for the modern-day Chemistry and future of science. The Atomic theory introduced the idea of atoms, which are defined as the discrete units of matter. There are five key scientists that significantly contributed to the Atomic model over a span of thousands of years. They are: Democritus, John Dalton, J.J. Thompson, Ernest Rutherford, and Niels Bohr.
92 of the 118 elements are naturally occurring. Elements are created in stars during nuclear fusion. In the high pressure situations stars fuse hydrogen atoms into helium. Helium atoms then fuse to create beryllium, and so on, until fusion in the star's core has created every element up to iron. Iron is the last element stars create in their cores. After iron is created in the core, a star's first life
Chemistry is the science that studies all properties of matter. Chemistry is an immense subject that exists everywhere in the world, from chemical compounds in the human body to detergents used in daily basis, chemistry can be in anything we can think of. Reason why, ever since I was a junior in High School I dreamt with becoming a chemical engineer in the near future. Being a chemical engineer is not just about knowing chemistry, but also implementing the engineering principles to mass produce products, and share them with consumers. Correspondingly, a chemical engineer utilizes the principles of chemistry in order to solve problems that involve the production in large-scales of chemicals, food, fuel, makeup, and many other products manufactured by chemical engineers.
An Atom is the the basic building block of all matter. Atoms are made up of Particles, called: Protons, neutrons and Electrons. Protons carry a positive charge, the neutron carry 's a neutral charge and the electron carry’s a negative charge. The Atom has two main parts the Nucleus and the Electron Shell. The Nucleus contains the Protons and Neutrons. The electron Shell Contains the The electrons.
Elements are substances that cannot be separated into smaller substances and are made up entirely of one type of atom. Naturally existing elements can be categorized as either light elements or heavy elements. During the Big Bang light elements were formed such as hydrogen, lithium, lithium and deuterium. The heavy elements originated from Stellar Nucleosynthesis. Heavy elements, however, are formed such as uranium and iron are formed through Stellar Nucleosynthesis while materials heavier than this are formed through a supernova.