
Chemical Dependency

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Chemical Dependency Paper
Linda D. Miles
University of Phoenix
Child Therapy
Robert Skaff
October 01, 2008

Chemical Dependency Paper
Chemical Dependency Paper

This paper will discuss Chemical Dependency or Substance Dependency and Substance Abuse in Adolescents; specifically the development, progression and biopsychosocial of dependency and abuse in the adolescent population. The definition of epidemiology and diagnosis will be addressed. Lastly three treatment options including the range of severity will be provided. There is difference between substance abuse and substance dependence. The distinction between the two is characterized by the role they …show more content…

Or they are similar enough to the brain’s natural chemical messengers that they trick brain receptors into activating nerve cells. Stimulants such as cocaine and methamphetamines cause the neurons to release too much of the neurotransmitters, causing the sensation users describe as the brain “racing.”
And, in one way or another, almost all drugs over stimulate the pleasure center of the brain, flooding it with the neurotransmitter dopamine. This produces euphoria, and the heightened pleasure can be so compelling that the brain wants that feeling back again and again. Unfortunately, with repeated use of a drug, the brain becomes accustomed to the dopamine surges by producing less of it. So the user has to take more of the drug to feel the same pleasure — the phenomenon known as tolerance. There are several psychological factors that exist in the adolescent with substance and chemical dependency disorders. The moods of these adolescents are not stable and they are more prone to depression. They have various emotional and behavioral difficulties. Adolescents with these disorders also tend to have learning disabilities and psychiatric disturbances. (Jorgenson and Salwen, 2008) According to the research of Terry Brown, “Psychological dependence for long term users is more likely; some have mental health problems such as confusion, sleep disorder depression and paranoia.”

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