
Chem 1212k Lab Report Essay

Decent Essays

Deborah Bell
April 17, 2012
Chemistry 1212K Lab Synthesis Report

Introduction In this Chemistry Lab the main objective is to perform accurate chemical analysis for the quantity of elements and compounds in a sample. There will be a compound made then synthesized. The methods used were acid-base titrations, redox titrations, gravity filtration, and distillation. General conclusions included
Weight of Crucibles

1. The first experiment is Preparation of a Cobalt Amine Bromide Product ; Synthesis #3 was used to create the compound. Added 5 grams of cobalt carbonate to 20 mL of hrdrobromic acid in a beaker. Noticied a slight color change to dark purple. Solution frothed after it settled I mixed in 15mL water and …show more content…

Procedure for Preparation and Standarization of 0.1M Na2S2O3 KIO3 + 6 HCl + 6 Na2S2O3 → 3 Na2S4O6 + KI +3 H2o + 6 NaCl
All standardizations are performed in triplicate. Weigh out .1000-.1200 gram KIO3. Add 70-80 mL of deionized water. Swirl and dissolve. Add 3 mL of 6M HCl. Swirl and mix. Quickly titrated the brow-red solution with 0.1M Na2S2O3 until it is light yellow. Then add 3.5 mL of starch indicator. Titrate again until the dark color first disappears.
My results yielded a high Average Molarity .270M . The ideal would be around 1.000M . Deviation was ± 1.20
Trial 1: (.1063 KIO31) (1 mol KIO214 g) x 6 mol S2O41 mol KIO= .00298.04150= .259 M
Trial 2:
.110 KIO311 mol KIO3214 gx 6 mol1 mol= .290 M
Trial 3:
.1047 g KIO311 mol KIO3214 gx 6 mol1 mol= .261 M | Initial vol | Final vol | total | Trial 1 | 7.21 | 18.42 | 11.21 | Trial 2 | 5.57 | 16.18 | 0.61 | Trial 3 | 7.43 | 18.93 | 11.50 |
6. Procedure for Analysis of % Co3 using standardized 0.1M Thiosulfate 2 Co (NH3)4Cl3 + 2 S2O3 → 2 Co + S4O6 +8 NH3 +6Cl-
Analysis is performed in triplicate. Weigh out

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