
Cheerleading Is Not A Sport Essay

Decent Essays

Cheerleading is more than cheering on the sidelines at a football game or bringing the crowd to their feet. Cheerleaders do not have to run around three bases or skate their way to a puck, but they do, however, lift their teammates, jump, dance, tumble, and perform. There was a point in my life where I would eat, sleep, and breathe cheerleading. It is debated whether cheerleading would be considered a sport. Nevertheless, cheerleading has been a passion of mine for most of my childhood, and these experiences made me the person I am today. Before cheerleading, I was incredibly shy, be bullied in school, and did not have many friends.
As early as kindergarten, I was petite and heavier than most kids. Most of the children in my class were a fair complexion whereas mine was sun kissed. I always thought that they would never want to be friends with a girl that looked so different than them. Many of my classmates played together and I would too have scared to ask to play with them so, I would sit at my desk and colored. As the year progressed, I noticed I was not getting invited to any birthday parties or invited to sit with someone at lunch. One day during independent reading, I always sat in the corner of the rug against where the walls would meet when, one of my classmates walked over to me and said, “My friends and I want to read that book so you have to read this one,” she quickly ripped the book out of my hand and threw a different book in my lap. My five-year old self

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