
Che Guevara Research Papers

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Che Guevara was a doctor, a Marxist revolutionary, and to this day a now known cultural pop icon who is recognized around the world. During Guevara’s early life, he was raised in an upper-middle-class family and excelled in school; Guevara graduated from the University of Buenos Aires. While Guevara was in school, he traveled to areas in South America where poverty was present. While Guevara was traveling, he noticed people working on the farms and living on the streets and blamed it on capitalism and imperialism. Guevara is now known as a legacy and pop icon on t-shirts, mugs, and posters, but other people think he is a true monster. While others think negatively of him, Guevara helped build Cuba into a communist country therefore, Guevara …show more content…

Che Guevara soon started to work with Fidel Castro, and made a legacy in the world and became an icon of hope and revolution (Daily Times). Castro and Guevara first started by joining their 26th of July Movement to overthrow the US- backed dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista, and changed Cuba forever (Daily Times). By overthrowing the government, Guevara became the symbol of anti-establishment and change (Che Guevara Fast Facts). Along with changing Cuba, Guevara was famous for his remarkable military accomplishments. Guevara was not just a revolutionary leader; he was responsible for increasing land reform throughout many regions (Daily Times). Being in charge of the property was a big responsibility, and Guevara succeeded. The agrarian reform allowed more people to have the ability to use the surrounding agriculture province, to grow crops and make money (“Why is Che Guevara Famous”). With the land reform being successful, this decreased the number of people that were monopolizing the land for their benefit. Guevara also was a major force in increasing the literacy rate in Cuba. Before Guevara came to power, the literacy rate was between 60 and 65%, but with Guevara’s work talking to the government about building schools and improving teachers abilities to teach, the literacy increased to 96% (“Why is Che Guevara

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