
Charlotte Gilman Research Paper

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Charlotte Perkins Gilman was born on July 3, 1860 in Hartford, Connecticut. She had a difficult childhood. Her Father, Frederick Beecher Perkins abandoned the family, leaving
Charlotte’s mother with two children to take care of. Gilman, was married to an artist Charles stetson in 1884. A year later they had a daughter named Katherine, Sometime during her marriage the Stetson, Gilman experienced a severe depression and had an emotional collapse.
Later, Stetson passed away and Charlotte Gilman gave her child to her mother and move back east. Gilman, ran into her first cousin she hadn’t seen if 15 years and got married to him in 1900.
In 1932, Gilman got diagnosed with breast cancer and committed suicide in August 17, 1935.
Charlotte Gilman was …show more content…

Gilman’s style is very challenging, but has an excellent point of view that makes readers feel uncomfortable.
Gilman’s affect on society makes her popular for her poetry and her childhood story. She was known to be a fantastic author for her writing skills in poetry. For instance, one of Gilman’s poetry “boys will be boys” illustrates that boys will have what they want and not get in trouble Soto-Ruiz 2 for their mistakes, but woman have to work for what they want and be responsible for their belongings. This is seen when Gilman writes: “‘boys will be boys,’ and boys have had their day;
Boy-mischief and boy-carelessness and noise Extenuated all, allowed, excused and smoothed away, Each duty missed, each damaging wild act, By this meek statement of unquestioned fact–
Boys will be boys! Now, 'women will be women.' Mark the change; Calm motherhood in place of boisterous youth; No warfare now; to manage and arrange, To nurture with wise care, is woman's way, In peace and fruitful industry her sway, In love and truth.” This poem makes
Gilman’s message show that women are more responsible and intelligent than

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