
Charlie Being A Wallflower

Decent Essays

As mentioned above, the traits Charlie exhibited because of his trauma are his inability to voice his opinions and the fact that he blames himself for things he cannot control. On the other hand, some characteristics of Charlie are not related to his trauma but they are who he really is. Charlie is a shy, quiet boy, “I keep quiet most of the time.” The author’s choice of the title, wallflower, is accurate for Charlie tends to sit back and watch people go about their lives instead of participating because he does not know how to approach people. It is one of the issues he is trying to overcome throughout the novel. It is the main reason why Charlie starts writing letters to an anonymous; because he has no friends. Owing to his shyness and quietness, …show more content…

“I think it's sad because Susan doesn't look as happy.” (1.2.2) this is what Charlie notices when he looks at his old friend. Despite laughing with everyone, Susan does not seem as happy as she pretends. Charlie thought about how Mary Elizabeth would be angry with actresses showing their cleavages while a photographer only looked at the quality of the picture. Moreover, in the novel, Charlie notices that his bully, Sean, is unhappy. While Sean was threatening Charlie to stick his head in the toilet, all Charlie cared about was how the boy looks miserable which proves how Charlie cares about the small details no one pays attention to. This brings the next point into the light. Charlie is honest even when he should not be. Noticing his bully is unhappy, Charlie tells him so which earns him a hit. Furthermore, the most outstanding proof that Charlie is honest is the fact that he admits to what most boys fear to admit-crying. Charlie admits that he cries on most occasions and that maybe he is …show more content…

When Patrick told Charlie about how the girls like to change the boys they date and how they grow bored once they do. Charlie kept looking at the people in the hallways and wondered if they were happy. He noticed how the girls are wearing their boyfriend’s jackets and thought of the idea of property. He looked at people and wondered if they were happy. In addition, when Charlie went with his father to tell the parents of Charlie’s sister’s boyfriend to stay away from her after he hit her, all Charlie asked was whether the boy had “problems at home” and whether the boy’s parents hit him or not. He thought maybe this is why the boy hit his sister. What is most significant is when Charlie saw Patrick and Brad kissing and did not tattle on them. Instead, he listened to Patrick’s story about his relationship with Brad and understood that Patrick takes nothing seriously because this is how he denies his negative emotions. Moreover, Charlie is smart. Throughout the novel, he develops a deep bond with his English teacher as the teacher realizes the boy’s intelligence and offers him various books to read and write reviews

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