
Charles Murray's Coming Apart

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In Coming Apart, by Charles Murray, he broadens the spectrum of what it means to have an upper and lower class society. He identifies two groups of the white American class structure and the social mobility that arises from it. By gathering information from past decades to present day, Murray recognizes the beliefs and behaviors between the class groups. As Charles continues, he talks about a new upper and lower class that has developed most recently, which he identifies as the ‘Hollow Elite’ and ‘A Civic Great Awakening’. The upper and lower class of white America have very different cultures. As Charles describes the new upper class, he makes an interesting but true statement, “The new upper class has vast resources, both in wealth and in …show more content…

For the poor, an escape is all a person wants, and to do that, he or she is more than likely relying on a rich white politician to get them better housing, food stamps, etc., that can be hard and frustrating because they simply do not have to go through that struggle in the everyday life. Economically the upper class has changed, along with socially. Murray says, “…the signs of America’s new upper class has suffered a collapse of self-confidence are hard to ignore” (291). Over the recent years, it has become apparent, the American value and code system has shifted and not positively. He mentions the story of a woman who is under the influence one evening and her date takes her back to her room, only to put her in the bed. When she awoke, she was in shock or surprised because he didn’t attempt to do anything to her while she was under the influence. This is because this man respected the code system, unlike many …show more content…

Second, science will undermine the moral underpinnings of the welfare state. Third, it will become increasingly obvious that there is a simple, affordable way to replace the entire apparatus of the welfare state. Fourth, the persistence of the Americans’ allegiance to the American project will turn out to be far greater…” (299-300). With this alternative, Murray talks about how poor Americans rely on the government to basically fund their lives, especially the ones on welfare. This is being to be mean or disrespectful, but to simply ask, why are there so many Americans’ still in need if all these programs are in place. Murray also discusses the traditional family and where it stands today. There is new knowledge because there is a new generation that is shifting away from the traditionalist views. Murray says, “…new knowledge will make us re-think ever domain in which the central government has imposed its judgement about how people ought to live their lives” (304). This generation is focusing on accepting others for who they are and letting be themselves. He also says, “Human beings enjoy themselves when they are exercising their realized capabilities at the limit of those capabilities” (304). Accepting and thinking about how others live life, can only better

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