
Charlene Hunter Poem Analysis

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Charlene Hunter-Gault was being forced (caged) into thinking that she wasn’t good enough to her choice of college. The author of the poem was very often treated much differently than how a person that was not of her color would be in the same situation. “Ordinarily there would not have been anything unusual about such a routine exercise, expect in this instance the officials of the universities have been fighting to keep me out for two and a half years”(19). In other words, Charlene was trying to explain how people treated her differently because of her looks. Everyone was conditioned to think that she had to right to be (free) with the white people. Although Charlene does not say so directly, she is trying to express how challenging it was for her to get into a good school. “And no black student had ever been admitted to the university of Georgia in it’s 176 year history”(19). I …show more content…

She was met with mods of anger students who didn't want her to attend their school. They were racist and horrible to her. “We would be greeted by mobs of white students who within forty-eight hours would hurl epithets, burn crosses, and black effigies, and finally stage a riot outside my dormitory” (19). This portrays Charlene as a caged bird, about to become a free bird;she is caged and ready to come out but the world is shoving her back with hatred. Charlene Hunter- Gault was put in danger by her fellow peers; it got so bad that they had to suspend her. “ But not before I got word in my dorm room, now strewn with glass from a rock through my window, that Hamilton and I were being suspended for our own good” (20). This situation, deepens the idea of how hard it was for Charlene to get an education; despite the rocks and hatredness, she went to do what she believed in. The main protagonist of the story had many external conflicts but she still managed to get to her

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