Charis Christian Center is a non-denominational church conveniently located on the west side of Colorado Springs, Colorado. This family-focused church loves God, loves His people, and loves His Word. Throughout the week, activities for all ages take place in the atrium, main sanctuary, multi-purpose room, and children’s rooms. The church has a square footage of 26,050 ft2 and is located in a primarily commercial area that is near multiple residential neighborhoods. Charis Christian Center is a phenomenal community where guests can grow in who they are in Christ and build meaningful, long-lasting relationships.
When one visits Charis Christian Center, he or she will enter into the atrium. The atrium is central to the other rooms in the church. Located in the atrium is the guest info area where information can be obtained about the church, as well as a product table where teachings and sermons can be purchased. On the east wall of the
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On any given Sunday morning or Wednesday evening, one can hear powerful praise and worship or practical, relevant teaching from Pastor Lawson Perdue or Pastor Aaron Perdue coming from the main sanctuary. The main sanctuary at Charis Christian Center is set up for around 850 people on a regular basis, however, it can be configured to accommodate its maximum capacity of 1220 people. Along the south wall of the main sanctuary is a 880 ft2 stage. The stage includes instruments, such as drums, a grand piano, and a keyboard, as well as a heated baptismal tank in the southwest corner. The stage background is decorated with gray rectangles, varying in shades, that creates a colorful, ombre effect when lights are cast upon them. In addition to Sunday morning and Wednesday evening services, the main sanctuary is also used to host guest speakers, concerts, and weddings. Regardless of what it is being used for, the main sanctuary is the heart and soul of Charis Christian
Pastor Maury Davis along with three elected officials led the foundation stone for the $17 million expansion of the Cornerstone Old Hickory Boulevard building. This expansion is spread over an area of 95,000 square foot and it includes a specific area for youth and child ministries, a deli and a café. This project also called for the renovation program of 1/3rd of the already existing facility which is spread over an area of 135,000 square foot. This facility also features a sanctuary foyer. This is an endeavor
The word “Christian” in Colorado Christian University is more than just a belief shared amongst the Faculty and Student Body. It is the foundation on which all aspects of the educational experience are built. Beginning with a strong Statement of Faith, which aligns with core beliefs of the National Association of Evangelicals, the University proclaims its belief “in the Bible as being the only authoritative Word of God, that God exists in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as well as belief in the salvation and resurrection that is only found in Christ Jesus” (Statement of Faith at Colorado Christian University, n.d.).
One of the members who assisted the church said that 20 or so members live with the pastor and his wife, and some of those members
“We are a church transformed by grace, connected through relationships and committed to service” is their mission statement and as is everything down in Texas, they are big! They have a large campus with several buildings surrounding the main sanctuary and a visitors center that can be accessed with one of their many golf carts. I must say, as someone who works with youth, I was impressed as to their commitment to a separate building for kids, especially those in middle school and high school. At a time when autonomy is so important for a young person, (and budgets are limited), having their own space is quite impressive.
Pastored in 1952 by Alice Lavern Riles, known as Mother Sheppard, The Church of Columbus remains today within the city of Columbus, Georgia. From a tiny building on 49th Street, to the over a million-dollar facility today, The Church of Columbus has gone through its share of change. Growing up, the church was called the First United Pentecostal Church, but once the church moved locations, Pastor renamed it The Church of Columbus. Located on 2001 Double Churches Road, there lies my second home, with its grand 36,000 square feet structure. Growing up, I was always at the church, whether it was for practice, or just to play sports such as volleyball and football with my lifelong friends that I had made throughout my attendance at the church. According the church’s website, “the church has grown from a Sunday morning attendance of sixty-one in 1985, to a consistent attendance of over 400 in 2013” (The Church of Columbus). The church’s motto is “Loving all to Christ”. The motto refers to the church’s ultimate goal of reaching the 290,000 souls of the Columbus, Phenix City, Fort Benning area (The Church of Columbus). A church member, Lisa Gail Stringer-Johnson described the church; “The first thing you feel when you walk through the doors is an outpouring of Love and God’s presence.” I am extremely grateful that I have such a tremendous place to call my second home.
Local churches around Blythe came together under Palo Verde College Performing Arts Center’s roof, to lift up holy hands, sing to the Lord a new song and worship as a interdenominational congregation.
King Tutankhamun or better known as “King Tut” became king at the young age of eight. His tomb was lost for 3000 years, it was after it was found that King Tut became so famous. There is also a story about an curse called “King Tut’s Curse”, many believe the curse is real.Some very strange rumors happened after the tomb was opened.
The Church hosts a multitude of activities to promote interconnectivity in the community. Aside from Sunday sermons, the church also holds weekly Wednesday bible study groups, church hoedowns, and a monthly potluck breakfast for the church's most
The pastor, Mitch Maloney, is the long time senior pastor at North Cleveland and has a very distinct style of preaching. It’s classic preaching that is heavily rooted in scripture, is pentecostal to the core, and features the occasional conservative political opinion. It appeals strongly to the older generation; however, Maloney has the ability to draw in attenders of all ages. This can be seen by the large number of Lee students in attendance every Sunday morning. Sunday morning evangelism is very “churchy”, but that should not carry a negative connotation due to the fact that North Cleveland is indeed a
The vast amount of windows illuminated the inside of the sanctuary which is aligned with plenty of wooden pews for around 800 people. The art displayed is inside the stained glass windows/panels. One of the windows was inspired by Revelation 4:7. There is a rather large stage for live music and worship and a stunning wooden cross on display hanging above the altar. There is another building located across from the sanctuary with adequate classrooms for all age groups. The children’s playground is massive and filled with fun outdoor activities. The congregation started in 1975 and there is over 500 multiracial members. I attended the Sunday 10:00 am service, but prior to service IPC offers an “Education Hour” that focus on a variety of topics to help you engage in Scripture and look for life applications in a more intimate setting. All worship services are spoken in English. After the service, the IPC offers coffee, tea, and donuts to its members so they can enjoy fellowship time on the patio. The bulletin includes weekly interactive ministries such as: music and the arts, Wednesday night refuel, spiritual mentoring, men’s, women’s, youth, young adults, and seniors. I had the opportunity to briefly speak with Lead Pastor Scott Bullock who informed me that the PCA is one of the faster growing denominations in Orange County. He also specified that all members of IPC are entitled to vote on the electing of their congregation officers, but neither women
Broadly speaking, a liberal arts education is concerned with the pursuit of knowledge as an end in itself, rather than for the sake of acquiring skills targeted at a career. The liberal arts philosophy is traced to the Greek philosopher Socrates, who famously proclaimed that the “unexamined life is not worth living”. To that end, traditional liberal arts education emphasizes the scholarly, the gentlemanly and the liberating. However, contemporary liberal arts education is marked by the integration of liberal and practical education. Consequently, a Christian liberal arts education should provide knowledge and intellectual skills to help students become functional and capable of
5. What is your basis of ethics? My basics of ethics was taught by my grandma she instilled a lot of her values and morals in my life giving me the teachings that made her a bright woman. She made sure to start on me early by getting me involved in church and helping me understand my religion and god and what he expects from his people. I was told to become a leader and not a follower use gods power that he using in my life to restore and help those who may be broken in life. I always ask god if I’m unsure I understand in this world of many temptations we may fall but our god isn’t a judging god and will be there with open ears and arms to help you get it right if you want change. I am not perfect but I pay attention I know right from wrong and know I am help accountable for my actions and faults. And have god move in my
Nations crumble, churches and business fail, families become dysfunctional, children lose their way, and men stray from God for one disturbing reason; lack of leadership. These failures are often because of the lack of instruction, proper leadership, and confusion over what Christian leadership is and how that leadership is applicable to every facet of business and personal life.
Christianity is the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Most followers of Christianity, called Christians, are members of one of three major groups--Roman Catholic, Protestant, or Eastern Orthodox. These groups have different beliefs about Jesus and His teachings. But all consider Jesus central to their religion. Most Christians believe God sent Jesus into the world as the Savior. Christianity teaches that humanity can achieve salvation through Jesus.
Business Analytics is a comprehensive method used by businesses deploying sophisticated tools to access past, vast and complex information and then use the acquired data and information to better analyse the organisation and equip its managers with the ability to make a well informed business decision. ( Name: Business Analytics Website Name: University of Sydney Year 2015)