
Characteristics Of Telling A Story

Decent Essays

One of the most important skills you can learn today is how to tell a story. This is because the stories you create are the way you engage with the world around you and get them to respond back. This means if you can craft the right story to the right person, you can position yourself for more successes outcomes. Aside from the marketing aspects, storytelling is also part of what makes us all human. Before the written word, people would memorize tales and traditions which would eventually shape our cultures and societies to be what they are today. Even though the traditional campfire storytelling days are limited as of late, the act of creating a compelling story and sharing it is still here. Books, articles, presentations, video blogs, movies, these are all forms of telling a story with the execution the difference. But what makes a good story good? There have been countless studies done on the topic of storytelling and why some are successful and some aren’t. The most common traits these studies boiled successful stories down into where that good stories were memorable, relatable and inspiring. What made you remember that movie you saw 10 years ago more than that movie you watched last week? It is because the movie from 10 years ago had a storyline that created a memorable bond that brought you into that story. And that bond was formed because you could identify and relate with the characters from that story and the journey they were about to go on. You felt their

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