This essay will describe the essential aspects of a self-directed, intrinsically motivated, active learner. It will also identify two areas of personal strength and two areas of personal weakness in being a self-motivated and engaged student. The essay will also include five personal growth strategies how I will implement these five personal growth strategies. The development plan will evaluate the success and accountability aspect of the five planned personal growth strategies.
Keywords: self-directed learner, intrinsically motivated learner, active learner, growth, development, and learning
Learning Behaviors and Growth
The three types of learning styles discussed in this paper are self-directed, intrinsically motivated, and the active learner. The dynamics included are the sources of motivation, the rewards systems, disciplines,
Self-directed learning is a method in which one takes their own initiative and ownership to learn with or without the guidance of others. This type of learner identifies their learning needs, what the learning goals are to gain the knowledge, and the resources needed to achieve the goals. A self-directed learning is motivated by themselves and sets priorities to attain their goals. They are not easily derailed from their goals and confident they will overcome any obstacles. (Ryan, 2000)
Intrinsically motivated learners are geared more towards learning for personal purpose and satisfaction. An intrinsically motivated learner does not engage
During my high school years, I can confidently say I have excelled in my academic endeavours. This success is partially due to my desire to learn. I am always intrigued by the lessons and concepts that are at the core of assigned work. My passion for learning has facilitated my learning process; because I am usually interested in the material that is being taught, my ability to retain and understand information is heightened. My academic success is also due to my drive to do the best I can. Since grade nine, I have demanded excellence from myself in all academic subjects. I strived to perform to the best of my abilities in the first high school years so that I would adopt that habit early and take it with me through the senior high school years. Finally, my academic excellence
As educators, we are instructing our students not only in matters of scholarship, but in matters of self. Expression through confidence of autonomy, self-efficacy, and intrinsic motivation are integral to the development of any individual.
As we discussed in class, motivation plays an intrinsic role in creating successful self-directed learning. Those who practice this form of learning, in various ways, are driven by personal or external incentives, such as the desire to learn something, or simply for curiosity 's sake, self-esteem and self-efficiency. Because of this self-directed learners are known to take initiative, view issues as challenges to overcome, become confident, have a desire to evolve, and appreciate and seek out learning opportunities (Taylor, 1995).
Huntington, N.Y.: R. E. Krieger Pub. Knowles, M. (1975). Self-directed learning: A guide for learners and teachers. Chicago, IL: Follett Publishing
To begin with, the author of this autobiography would explain every person’s eyes in great depth, which made it easier to explore how the Holocaust changed numerous people. It is known that sometimes eyes express the feelings that humans may feel incapable of expressing for themselves, which is something Elie Wiesel clearly understood. Right at the beginning of the novel we are introduced to the character Moché the Beadle, who was an extremely joyful person. His eyes were described as being “dreamy” expressing the curiosity and happiness that filled this man’s heart. This continued until one day in which he began telling stories about dreaded thing happening to the people of the Jewish religion. No one believed him, not even Elie, and he was
The best chapter of The Call of the Wild is chapter six “For the Love of a Man.” Chapter six is the chapter in which Buck, the protagonist, begins to live with John Thurston. John saved Buck from his masters that were whipping him and clubbing him nearly to death. Nursing Buck back to health, the pair begins to form a bond like no other, a bond of unconditional, passionate, genuine love. The exuberant John always played with the carefree dogs, including Buck, Skeet and Nig. The bond that Buck and John have leaves them inseparable, and letting them communicate from sweet name callings, and gentle biting on the hand to show their affection. Buck was John’s guardian when John was trying to stop a fight, and he ended up getting mixed
The self-directed learning theory is when adults make their own decisions about learning. They have full control over their learning and how it will define their future. Self-directed learning lets adults have their independence in the learning process. For example, students are to do a project on any subject as long as it deals with business. This lets the adults decide what topic they want to do, how they want to put the project together, and allows
“Just as students have different personalities, they also have different ways of learing (Slavin, 107).” Learning styles are another important factor to incorporate when implementing the best learning environment. Learning styles are defined as an individual's mode of gaining knowledge. The most common learning styles addressed are auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Auditory leaners understand information through hearing. Visual learners need more visual aids in the learning process, such as diagrams, webs, or pictures. Kinesthetic learners learn better by using manipulatives or by being physically involved in the learning process. Learning styles is a piece of the “backbone” of differentiated learning. Both are used to individualize instruction to help students achieve the most success.
Motivation often is classified as intrinsic or extrinsic. Students who are motivated intrinsically have an internal drive to succeed and a personal interest in the material. Students with extrinsic motivation engage in activities to obtain external incentives, such as grades or rewards (Sedden & Clark, 2016). Although, instructors note that intrinsic motivation is best for students, many
Intrinsic motivation is a key aspect of student success in school. Van den Broeck, Vansteenkiste, and De Witte (2013) define intrinsic motivation as, “the engagement in an activity for its own sake, that is, for the satisfaction and enjoyment experienced during the course of the activity itself” (p. 4). Educators encourage intrinsic motivation within their students as it boosts
Abstract: Gene therapy is an experimental technique that uses genes to prevent or treat diseases. The process was initially designed to introduce genetic material into cells to compensate for abnormal genes or to make a beneficial protein. These abnormal genes, often caused by single nucleotide polymorphisms, can affect how humans develop diseases and how they will respond to pathogens, drugs, and other agents. Although gene therapy is a promising treatment option for a number of diseases and disorders, the technique remains risky and is still under study; it is currently only being tested for the treatment of diseases that have no other cures.
As a student it takes a lot of responsibilities and to control and balance life and be a succeed in your goals. This class helps me so much to see what I have to learn more in how to be organize, make a plan, monitor and evaluate my daily life and what I have to set a goal for my priority first.
Deep learners respond well to the challenge of controlling a difficult and complex issue. Intrinsic motivation often compliments this style. Strategic learners are motivated primarily by rewards. They try to make the best grade, but only if they can see a clear reward to it. Often the competition and the opportunity to beat others is all the reward need, mainly extrinsic motivated. Surface learners are often motivated by a desire to avoid failure. This learning style does just what need for each assignment and moves along to the next, never wanting to be the best but is happy with a passing grade. Most often there motivation is a mixture of intrinsic and extrinsic. This dash is often in dispute with the learner motivation is the most likely not to deliver the goods.
Young children are compelled to learn because of their natural curiosity in life. Older children seem to need a push in the direction to learn. This describes the two types of motivation. Intrinsic motivation describes the young child. It is motivation from within and the desire someone feels to complete a task, including natural curiosity. Intrinsic motivation is anything we do to motivate ourselves without rewards from an outside source. “In relation to learning, one is compelled to learn by a motive to understand, originating from their own curiosity” (Rehmke-Ribary, 2003 p.intrinsic).
We are able to begin to develop abilities in self-directed-studying during our first-year in the college, to be an effective student. We will be spending a considerable time getting information and learning the continuous creation of new information, new skills due to the fast pace of change in culture and technology, and an access to info. Much with this learning will happen at our own initiative. We as a person will have the main responsibility for implementing, planning, and even appraising our learning effort. This what we should understand as self-directed learning.