
Characteristics Of John Proctor In The Crucible '

Decent Essays

“God is dead” this is a quote that was said by John Proctor, a character in “The Crucible” when he was in court testifying that he was not the devil. John Proctor is a middle aged man who is an outcast and doesn't go to church. He had an affair with his wife Elizabeth and Abigail wants him all to herself and she'll do anything to get rid of Elizabeth. John has a bad reputation for not going to church, plowing on Sundays, and not having all of his kids baptised. John and I have a few character traits in common such as we are both outcast, independent, and loyal. The first personality trait that John and I share is that we are both outcast. John shows that he is an outcast he disobeys the church. Such as when he says doesn't go to church, plows on sundays, and when he says that not all of his kids are baptised. Being an outcast is something that i'm good at. I tend to like things that most people do not. Most people around my age usually listen to rap or pop music but I like listening to metal. Doing my own thing is another reason why I consider myself an outcast. Such as when we are given a project to design at tech. The teacher usually gives an example of what the design should look like and everybody bases their ideas off of that design and make their designs look very similar but …show more content…

John proves that he is independent when he goes to court by himself to save his wife Elizabeth. When Elizabeth got accused of witchcraft he went into Salem by himself even though he knew that the court wouldn't see highly of him. A way that I show that I am independent is that I learn things on my own. When most people play a sport they have a coach to tell them what to do and to teach them how to do things. When I skateboard I don't have a coach so I learn all my tricks by myself. Doing my own thing is another way that i'm independent. When I work I do all my projects and jobs by myself because I like to work on my

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