
Character Analysis of Captain Beatty (Fahrenheit 451)

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Beatty, the Nearly Enlightened As fire captain, it is Captain Beatty’s job to promote and direct the eradication of knowledge and free thought within his district through the burning of books in Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451. Though one may expect his job to be one occupied by a brutish, obtuse man with a powerful inferiority complex, this is not so: Beatty is obviously intelligent, well-versed in literature, but also completely devoted to the act of book-burning and the structure that supports it. He is more than just than an ardent rule follower, however; his own embarkation upon an academic quest soured and embittered him on literature. He unleashes his own burning anger against books and eventually Guy Montag, an …show more content…

Also, as a precursor to Beatty’s increasing suspicions of Montag (and as Montag’s mind becomes increasingly unsettled with its current state of affairs) the Mechanical Hound becomes more aggressive toward Montag, signifying a realization of Beatty’s suspicions and allowing him to subvert Montag’s security about his secrecy. Bradbury hints at Beatty’s clever deduction of Montag’s activities by sending the Hound (in a wonderfully subtle, sly move) to literally “sniff around” Montag’s house: “Under the door, a slow, probing sniff, an exhalation of electric steam. […] And the smell of blue electricity blowing under the locked door” (72). While the fear of the Hound does not abolish Montag’s resolve to read the books, it does weaken it and he hastens to finish his scholarly task because he is afraid he’ll be stopped. This is one of the few instances where Beatty does not attempt to sway Montag by outmaneuvering him in a debate but is still present for (in some form) and aware of an act that goes against both the law and the firemen’s code. The final act of Montag’s that Beatty is explicitly aware of and violates both the law and the firemen’s code is his murder. In a deed of fear, desperation, and (ironically) atonement, Montag burned him with his own flames; the force of destruction Beatty had released inside of each of his firemen

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