
Character Analysis: You Have To Join The Herd

Decent Essays

It's pretty odd, life that is, when reduced to its basic essence, everything on this planet seems quite odd. The fact that we are made from the insides of stars, and that we live our lives with almost no tangible point rattles the mind. We commit to being authentic to ourselves, but we are also in inauthentic because we fear freedom. In Leo Tolstoy's the death of Ivan Ilyich, and T. S Elliot's love song of J. Alfred Prufrock, the existential concepts of commitment, and authenticity are used to show that living the examined life. Living authentically to avoid living inauthentically, will bring alienation, but in the end, will lead to commitment. Living in inauthentically is truly a sad fate. Living a life will you are not true to your essence leads to unhappiness and the confrontation with nothingness. in the death of …show more content…

We are social creatures, we need love from our peers, we need meaningful relationships, and we need to live in environments we feel accepted. Although, there is a problem, in order to be accepted You Have To Join the Herd; you have to accept social contracts. and as a result, sometimes we are not authentic to ourselves people don't have the courage to be authentic because when you break the social contract and you step out of the heard you there for alienate yourself. In Both Ivan Ilyich and the love song they are alienated But for different reasons. I can come sail you need it because of his lack of commitment and is inauthentic Behavior. He becomes estranged from his family and Makes barriers between his family, and his pointless work. Ivan suffered greatly because of his alienation and this leads to his eventual death. In the love song, Prufrock is alienated because he does not feel that anyone in his Society is authentic. Prufrock is the black sheep because he is the only one who is committed to his essence. In both stories, alienation is a negative force but this alienation Leeds to

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