
Character Analysis: The Help By Katheryn Stockett

Decent Essays

Have you ever been judged for something that you can’t control? The novel, The Help by Katheryn Stockett, is based in the early 1960’s in Jackson, Mississippi. Throughout the book you will meet various maids that are willing to risk their lives to help a white lady write a book about how maids in the South were treated during the 60’s. As a woman, growing up in Southern Mississippi during the 60’s can be very challenging. The theme “Change begins with a whisper” is present in The Help and can be seen in Minnie and Leory’s relationship. At the beginning of the book we discover that Leroy is very abusive towards Minnie. It was clear to us that Minnie had no confidence or self-worth. As the novel progresses and Skeeter’s book starts to develop,

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