
Character Analysis Of Rex And Rose Mary Walls In The Glass Castle

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In life you can become an adult at anytime. The thing is knowing when you are ready to become a parent because being a parent is a challenge and not many can take it. Having a child is a huge responsibility, and therefore Rex and Rose Mary Walls are bad parents because Rex constantly gets drunk, and both parents are unfit to support their children economically. A reason why they are bad parents is because the Walls children dad, Rex, would constantly get drunk at bars using the very little money they had and would leave the kids with nothing. Not only did Rex spend needed money on alcohol, he also came home in violent rages after being at the bars all night. Jeanette describes, “ he broke windows, and smashed dishes and furniture until he’d spent all his anger” (The Glass Castle 112). The family already had the issue of Rex not being wise about his money spending and now they had the issue of him being extremely violent. Although Rose Mary and the children handled his drunken furies very well, it still scared and angered them very much that he would leave the house and come back drunk and violent, risking that under …show more content…

Since they aren't able to keep a stable job for long, of course they are going to have money problems. If they don't have money then how will the children be able to eat. Throughout the novel, Jeanette explains multiple times of herself and her siblings, having to fend for themselves, because her parents did not have enough money to buy them food. For example when she states that, “If I was playing in a friend’s yard, I’d ask if I could use the bathroom, and if no one was in the kitchen, I’d grab something out of the refrigerator or cupboard and take it into the bathroom and eat it there…” (The Glass Castle 68). Jeanette was so hungry all of the time because her parents never had the money to buy food, so her only choice was to take food from her friend’s

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