There were flashes everywhere. Each flash was directed towards Jonas and Gabe. The bright flashes made Jonas’s sleepy eyes glance up. He knew he reached Elsewhere but why didn’t anything happen? He thought that something magical was going to happen. But he didn’t feel any sensation. Then, sleep overtook Jonas and he fell to the ground, glimpsing at the vibrant shade of red on the sled. ... “ Stop let me live” Jonas screamed as he woke up at the gong of twelve o clock! His entire body was shaken by shock. Sweat was flowing everywhere. He was so frantic that he couldn’t control his body. But those screams were hopeless. Jonas looked around and saw all the different type of colors on the walls. Every color seemed to dance around his eyes. With each one with a different dance. It reminded Jonas of the Nursery, which was part of his past. …show more content…
Jonas got up and ran to check on Gabe, lifted the toddler and tried running out of the room. “ Jonas I see you woke up. How was your dream.” A woman called kindly. Jonas froze in his tracks and turned to see this man. The women had a face that Jonas felt that he remembered. But that memory had already faded away in the midst of the open. She was very broad and had long legs. To Jonas, she was like an angel who saved them. Using his courtesies he learned his previous “life” Jonas answered “ Yes Madam, I had a beautiful dream. Look even Gabe had a good dream.” throwing Gabe up in the air and caught him midway. He giggled as Jonas caught him. The woman laughed and smiled at Jonas as he caught Gabe. Although Jonas saw a bit of disbelief in her eyes. Her eyes are so memorable but from where. “ Jonas that is funny. But I know you are lying. We have cameras here. Which you should have received from your Giver ”. Jonas panicked, how did this woman know about the special name that The Receiver had. He was now definitely sure that this lady was from her
Jonas cried. A man comes out of his house rushing to save the starving children and offers them food and shelter they kindly accept. Jonas and the man have small talk for a few minutes,
“We were doing the same thing as you, escaping from the horrible town you grew up in.” said Susiee, Gabes new mother. “If the Giver or the Receiver were ever to come through the barrier we could go back to the old town, without sameness.” “Jonas, thought about if he should tell Gabe's new family that he was the receiver, and he decided to tell them, And when old enough Gabe would be the receiver. They told Jonas that they knew that Gabe would be the receiver when he was older because of the mark that all givers and receivers have on their wrists.
But, it was no use, she ran as if she had years of experience running through the trees, in different zig zags and turns. Jonas then started to feel the exhaustion overcome him since his muscles were sore from his long journey . But, he wasn’t going to give up, not now, not after everything he had done. Then all of a sudden he came to a
After Jonas was finished with work he and Jack walked back to there house. And JOnas heard a familiar voice behind him.
Jonas pushed the bars with all his strength. Locked. "Please," He called into the darkness. "Is anyone there? Please, I need help!" Past the gate there lay a community that, at first glance, seemed not unlike Jonas' old home. Except, it wasn't very much like Jonas' community at all. The houses weren't all the same, and the colors- he had never seen so many house colors! The streets twisted and turned, and all the bumps and hills made them seem as if they went on forever. Jonas now saw the snow differently. Now it wasn't just a burden that slowed him down; it was beautiful! A thin, shimmery white sheet covered everything, and-
Jonas was the receiver and for that, you have to be very strong-willed and brave. Jonas was selected to be the receiver because of how brave and smart and just how strong-willed he is. When the Giver was giving him the memories, the Giver realized how brave and strong-willed and how determined he was to learn and excel at what he was doing. He was basically chosen to be the leader of the community and
Off they ran towards the house. “Papa! Papa! I think I found something, Papa!” proclaimed little Jess.
Then he went limp. He head fell to the side, his eyes half open. Then he was still… He killed it! My father killed it! Jonas said to himself, stunned at what he was realizing. He continued to stare at the screen numbly…” (Lowery 150).
For days he stayed there, curled up by the wall. The sun would rise, somewhere, illumine the mouth of his pitiful den, grace the cold rock in front of him with a soft blue sheen, and set again, immersing his life in empty darkness. One day, two, three, he stopped counting, buried his mind in the chambers of his soul where a soft dim warmth still glowed. Waves of grief passed through, turned him over in riptides of hungriest despair, roaring death pounded nightly at his door, and then, hearing no answer, tore away again, letting warm comfort envelop him and soothe his damaged
The child isn't growing at a normal rate,which means that he will be "released" if he doesn't begin to grow the way he is supposed to. For Jonas Gabriel is a symbol of hope, and starting over. Because Gabe is just a baby and has not conformed to the rules of this society Jonas can show him the memories that he receives, and he does so because he feels that the baby could be a new beginning. All of the memories of the past that Jonas receives, show him how the society that he lives in is constricting to the people. He is genuinely scared of what could happen if he or Gabe stays where they are. This shows that although Jonas wouldn't want to break the rules, he feels the need to protect baby Gabe, and would go to any lengths necessary to do
He was distanced. After he found out about what happens when you get released, he is very overprotective of Gabriel. When Jonas heard his father talking about releasing Gabe, Jonas knew that he had to take the little baby on the journey with him. While he took the baby, Jonas is being very smart. He knew that Gabriel didn’t deserve to be released from the Community and that Gabe could come on the long, bumpy ride with him. "Things could change, Gabe. Things could be different. I don't know how, but there must be some way for things to be different. There could be colors. And grandparents. And everybody would have memories. You know about memories." (pg. 128)
However, Jonas is different. Unlike those in the community, he has light eyes, and the rare ability to see objects change; he can see flashes of color, before the object returns back into a monotonous shade of black and white. One day, his father, a nurturer, brings home a “sick” baby boy, Gabriel, and begins to take care of him. However, this baby has a strange characteristic; like Jonas, he has light eyes. If this baby does not get better, he will be released. At the Ceremony of Twelve, due to his traits and his ability to see beyond, Jonas is chosen to become the Receiver of Memory, the holder of the Community’s
In the text it states “ ‘when will he be released?’ “(165). this shows that was worried and wanted to leave with Gabe. also in the text it states “ Jonas reach the opposite
Gabriel just came out his room and began taking long strides to me "what are you doing?" He asked me incrediously
Maria lay there for a moment, gazing up at Jack, her heart still pounding and her breath still stuck in her throat. He was dressed in a ragged white shirt covered and smeared in bits of dirt, patched brown pants, and a rough gray jacket; he walked barefoot, his feet stuck with pieces of mud and grass. But his face was what caught Maria’s eye. He was the most handsome boy she had ever seen. His face was finely shaped, and set with a pair of radiant eyes that gazed down at her, glowing like crystal balls in the moonlight.