
Chapter One : Down With Big Brother

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Hannah Gates Mrs. Carlson Pre AP English II 3 August 2015 Assignment 1 1984 Book One, Chapter One: Down With Big Brother Summary: We are introduced to the world in which Winston Smith lives, Winston shows his discontent towards Big Brother through his illegal diary, and he realizes he might not be alone in his rebellion towards Big Brother. 1984 Book One, Chapter Two: Thoughtcrime IS Death Summary: Winston helps his neighbor, Parsons, whose children "accuse" him of being a thoughtcriminal and reflects on how children are raised to be loyal to the Party, so much so that they would sell their own parents out, before writing in his diary more and surmising that he is already dead. 1984 Book One, Chapter Three: Memories and Dreams …show more content…

1984 Book One, Chapter Six: Katherine Summary: We get a glimpse of Winston 's past, learning that he had a wife named Katherine, who is brought into memory by him writing about an experience with prostitution in his diary. 1984 Book One, Chapter Seven: Hope in the Proles Summary: Winston comes to the conclusion that if there is any chance of the destruction of the Party it lies in the hands of the proles because everyone ignores them so they could revolt easier and he remembers about one time when he came into contact with solid evidence that the Party rewrites news to fit with what Big Brother says. 1984 Book One, Chapter Eight: Searching for Information Summary: Winston speaks with an old man at a pub about the past before he goes to the shop in which he bought his illegal diary, where he also buys a piece of coral inside an semi-circle of glass and learns an old rhyme then discovers a private room that later comes in handy. 1984 Book Two, Chapter One: Love Note Summary: One day at work, when walking to the bathrooms, Winston runs into the dark-haired girl, who secretly gives him a note proclaiming her love before he plans a meeting with the mysterious girl whom he used to hate. 1984

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