Title: WAKE UP! Sub Heading: 2017 - Break free from The Enemy Within. Author: Shane Reynolds Words: Target 40-50,000 words. (Current Word Count 12,852) Chapters: - Foreword - CHAPTER 1: COURAGE - CHAPTER 2: LET GO - CHAPTER 3 GROWTH - CHAPTER 4 INDEPENDANCE - CHAPTER 5 HEALTH & WELLBEING - CHAPTER 6 LOVE YOURSELF - CHAPTER 7 BREAK FREE Foreword: Hello My name is Shane Reynolds. I hope all is well and you are happy in your heart. I am a motivational speaker, law student, finance executive and writer based on the Gold Coast, in Queensland Australia. This book is dedicated to all my family (present and passed), particularly my parents, who have always been a great inspiration to me, my best friend Damien, to my many mentors (Amanda Scott, Jane Garwood, Greg Simmons, Omar Khan, Sandy Vincent-Guy) and Sean McCarthy, in memoriam. My approach is to provide readers of this book with practical and emotional clarity and direction; to look outside the box and beyond what you know to empower what you see possible, allowing you to take a leap of faith and create the change you want. Shane shares some of his journey to where he is now and in his evolution into a motivational speaker and author of this book. Some people will argue that being wise is the result of a high intelligence, but in Shanes experience that is only one side of the equation. Rather, a wise person will intuitively know how to use his knowledge in order to make good decisions. On the other hand, a primarily
Wisdom is one of the traits of hero, but what is wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to make the right judgment, the right decision, because the situation is fully understood. A wise person has a complete understanding of the situation and makes the soundest decision for the best result. The connotation for a wise person is a person that
As much as Europe’s worldwide empires had globalized the war, so too its economic linkages
Waiting on the World to Change- “We just feel like we don’t have the means to raise up and beat it.”
The patience, compassion and encouragement of one person improved my family’s last years with its patriarch in countless ways. It was this improvement that inspired me to pursue a career as an
I believe both characters are wise in their own way. Edward is wise in the business world, where he states that Presidents have asked for his advice and have dined with royalties all due to his well-renowened wisdom in that category being that he's been around that business since the age of 16. Carter, especially, is wise in life lessons. He mentioned numerous words of wisdom throughout the movie and amongst them, my favorite was, "I believe that you measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you." For me though, one does not have to be in the late adulthood stage to be wise. I believe that, we, as humans, already have an innate ability of wisdom and is only strengthened through time and experiences that we acquire along the way.
Setting the focus outwards and learning from both the success stories and the growing pains as would be beneficial in
What does it mean to have wisdom? Some may say to be wise is to have enough knowledge and good judgment to make well thought out life decisions. Wisdom is a common term mentioned throughout out the New Testament Epistles and the entire Bible. The Bible has a lot to say about wisdom and knowledge. It talks about ways to be wise and ways to be foolish. Through out the Bible there seems to be different types of wisdom and it is described in different ways. Analyzing all types of wisdom and knowledge will help us decide what the Bible means to be wise.
The author uses many ethos strategies in his article to convince the reader, which he intends to be people who want to make change, but unfortunately these strategies do not work.
Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement; the quality of being wise. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, there is one character who shows a tremendous amount of wisdom. Atticus shows his wisdom throughout the story by teaching Scout how to be young wise girl and teaching her how to read and write. Shows Jem how to be wise and knowledgeable , and shows it in the defending of Tom Robinson.
What does it mean to be wise? Webster's Dictionary defines the word "wise" as being "marked by deep understanding, keen discerment". Through the telling of the ancient Mariner's tale, the Wedding-Guest became sadder and wiser. He became sad in that he identified himself with the shallow and self-absorbed mariner. However, the mariner changed his ways. The Wedding-Guest became wise through realizing that he himself needed to alter his ways.
Webster defines wise as: (1) having or showing good judgment; (2) informed; (3) learned; (4) shrewd or cunning. In my opinion, Socrates was wise in all aspects of the word. If I were placed in his position and were to make the same decisions, I would not consider myself wise. I would consider myself to be a great fool, but given the circumstances and the parties involved I believe that Socrates made proper decisions in his defense.
Shakespeare suggests that wisely in this context signifies making smart, mature decisions in any given situation because each decision that is made can excel or hinder future endeavors. The pros and cons should be weighed before committing, in order to make a sound decision. Without proper information and guidance, one is essentially ignorant to the task at hand. For example, a mentor may be necessary because they may have accomplished a goal that you are aiming towards and can give advice on what you should and shouldn’t do while trying to reach your goal.