
Chapter 12: Questions From Subheadings Notes

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Chapter 12, Lesson 1 Chapter 12, Lesson 1
Questions from Subheadings Notes What was the industrial growth? In colonial times, people lived where they worked This was usually a farm They made the things that they needed, such as furniture or clothes In the mid-1700's, people began inventing new ways to do these things A British inventor built a machine that spins thread They built mills along rivers and paid people to work them This was the start of the Industrial Revolution What was the industrial revolution reaching the U.S.? The Industrial Revolution started in the U.S. near 1800 Mills first appeared in New England because of the poor soil and many rivers Also, the area had many ports, so they could ship lots of goods
What were …show more content…

more federal power Who was Henry Clay? He called for higher tariffs, a new bank, and new domestic buildings What was the 2nd national bank? In 1811, the bank died, but in 1816, another one came back This helped restore stability What were the new tariffs? Manufacturers wanted new tariffs This tariff was designed to protect U.S. businessmen When Congress passed more tariffs, the South protested What was growing sectionalism? The tariffs created different views in different parts of the country These brought an end to the era of good feelings 3 distinct sections grew in the U.S. Geography, economics, and history contributed to this sectionalism Clay spoke for the West, Calhoun for the South, and Webster for the North What was nationalism and the Supreme Court? Marshall gave the Supreme Court many more powers In 1810, Fletcher v. Peck, the Supreme Court could declare state laws unconstitutional In 1819, McCulloch v. Maryland, Maryland was not allowed to tax the U.S. government In this ruling, the bank was constitutional, but the constitution never gave written permission Congress now could tax, issue, and borrow …show more content…

There were many debates in Congress Henry Clay suggested the Maine join as a free state and Missouri as a slave state This would keep an even balance Also, the compromise created a horizontal line across the new territory Nothing North of this line could have slaves This made a temporary block on sectionalism However, sectionalism could have no peaceful ending
What were the foreign affairs? The war of 1812 created more nationalism What were the relations with Britain? Also, better ties were wanted with European nations During Monroe's presidency, 2 big agreements were made with Britain In 1817: Rush-Bagot treaty limited warships on Great Lakes
What were the relations with Spain? Convention of 1818 set ne border with Canada at 49th parallel John Q. Adams also negotiated right for U.S. to settle in Oregon area Spain controlled East and West Florida In 1810 U.S. settlers rebelled against Spain By 1812, U.S. owned West Florida Spain objected to losing West Florida, but took no action Natives from East Florida raided

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