
Chapter 11 Of Hosea

Decent Essays

Chapter 11 of Hosea brings to a conclusion the second prominent portion of the book, which began at 4:1 with the phrase “hear the word of the LORD”. This passage “reveals God’s love for Israel as strongly as any passage in this book” and is almost completely dominated by the voice of Yahweh, with Hubbard calling Him “the chief speaker”. Only two verses (vv. 8-9) directly address the people of Israel. The subject of these verses are threefold: Yahweh’s anguish at Israel’s’ rejection of Him in favour of Baal (vv.1-4), their infidelity and the consequence of forthcoming judgment (vv.5-7), and Yahweh’s constant love, meaning His people would not be utterly destroyed but would return home to His blessings (vv.8-11).
Imagery of parent/child-type …show more content…

It could be used to describe “someone as old as seventeen, but this verse implies that, figuratively speaking, Yahweh’s love and care for Israel began at a very young age.” Hosea uses this image to reinforce the analogy of a parent holding their child, helping them find their feet, to remind the people of Israel that it was Yahweh who protected and nurtured them in their infancy. The same root word is used to describe an immaturity or a helpless inability to deal with adult responsibilities. This is seen in the Israelites and their lack of firm foundational beliefs, still “sacrificing to the Baals and burning offerings to idols …show more content…

Because they won’t return to Yahweh, they will return to Egypt. The people of Israel, as God’s chosen people, had previously experienced deliverance from bondage and slavery in Egypt. Yahweh made bare His mighty hand and set His people free. Hosea 11 speaks of a return to Egypt. Lumburg suggests this has a double meaning, with a portion of the Israelite people geographically shifting to the land of Egypt as a result of Assyrian conquests. Eaton, however, writes that v.5 talks of a deportation to Assyria where the people would experience what was experienced back in Egypt, in terms of exile (v.5) and military devastation

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