
Changes During The Progressive Era

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During the late 19th century and 20th century, there was a lot of change and reform happening. Because of this, it has led many to believe that this was when the modern American Identity and ideals were created. However, this is not true. The American ideals have been set since the creation of our country, they were simply not yet put into practice. In George Washington’s farewell address, he states that the United States needs to stay out of foreign affairs and permanent alliances, specifically in Europe. This is called isolationism. American isolationism was put into practice exceptionally well with The Great War. Woodrow Wilson kept America out of the war until it was a threat to their safety and their freedom. Woodrow Wilson explains in his speech, What is Progress, that, “Americans are not yet cowards… The American people are not naturally sand-patters…” This quote shows that America is not made of cowards for keeping themselves out of the war; it was simply to preserve our own nation. We did not have to join the war until necessary because we did not have any permanent alliances. …show more content…

All of our modern ideals were forming, right? Wrong. Our ideals were already formed. One huge change during the Progressive Era was that women were starting to get as many rights as men, which was unheard of at the time, right? Wrong again. Equality for all was created at the same time that our country itself was created. The Pledge of Allegiance not only states, “with liberty and justice for all”, but the Constitution of our country declares “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” for all. Not for men, for everyone, including women. In this country, everyone has always been equal. The Progressive Era simply solidified this

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