
Change In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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Change is Necessary
Change is something that everyone does in their lives. It requires acceptance, and overcoming the new way of life, no matter how big or small the action, it does change something. With bigger changes, it requires more time to accept and overcome but its apart of life. This became evident in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, a book that shows these boys dealing with the change in events. It also seems to relate to my life as well in a sense, my friend passed away from a swimming accident and it took a while to deal with this change in my life.
Acceptance is a hard thing to do, especially when you’re younger. Accepting means that something has changed and there is something new. With the death of Simon in Lord of the Flies, …show more content…

For Piggy, it was the littluns that are still loyal to Ralph’s way of leading. Ralph was brought back to reality from Piggy since he convinced him to lead and take back authority, to start the signal fire so they can be saved from this island. Piggy was saying to Ralph “Look, Ralph. We got to forget this. We can’t do no good thinking about it, see? I’m frightened. Of us. I want to go home. O God I want to go home. It was an accident.” (Golding 173-174). For me, my external factors were my friends and my family as well as the upcoming trip that happened shortly after. Going to the funeral, I had my friends for support and to help me accept that our friend really had passed away. And my family was there to help me take my mind off the topic and the trip to Montreal I was going on distracted me from thinking about how life will be different. Based on this I feel this is what helped Ralph see the light, hope, again for getting off the island after Simon died. He went through a struggle as many hero’s do but he managed to get out of this trial in his life through the support from his friend, Piggy. Similarly, I was able to see what life would be like outside in a new environment helping me overcome this dark time and see the light of life and nature. Overcoming the obstacle of change is one of the hardest parts of life but becomes a lot easier when someone else shows you the way, I have seen this and I

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