
Change Anything Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

After reading Part one of Change Anything, my initial thoughts on how I could use the science of personal success in my education are to better understand how I can succeed while in school at my highest potential. I understand and have a better knowledge of many influences that are undoubtedly working against me every day that try to ensure I possibly fail, if I allowed myself to. I also found the “willpower trap” to be extremely helpful. Rather than placing blame on or giving credit to my willpower, I should focus more on how I can stay motivated personally and change the many sources working against me. The 6 sources of influence are very beneficial to understanding why failure could occur and how to overcome failure. Also, I now have to …show more content…

I applied these strategies to help me lose weight. Before I began my weight loss journey, I must admit I didn’t have any set plans in mind but only to sign up for Weight Watchers (WW) to try it out. I had seen plenty of success stories, so I figured what’s the harm right? I signed up blindly, but once I activated my account I did notice WW had a set plan of a daily allotted points and pre entered foods with points attached. With this information I became motivated, so I set my phone aside and created a plan of action. I identified any and all crucial moments as to when I may want to eat poorly, or if I am having days I don’t want to cook or count any points (it seemed like a lot in the beginning). I also created vital behaviors and how I will enact these toward my crucial moments. First, there were no days off for weight loss, if I was going to lose weight I must commit. So I told myself if I chose to eat badly this day, the next day would be a great day. I also removed all foods that I knew were not good for me, only shopping for foods that were well within my point range for the day, and were filling as well. I turned a lot of bad days into good data. I noticed eating out wasn’t working because I lost more weight when I prepared my own meals versus eating out. I also realized, I love certain meals and made mistakes along the way of making old recipes just to have that meal I

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