
Challenges Of Traveling During The California Gold Rush

Decent Essays

Traveling Beyond What we Know

All of the sudden wind came from out of the blue the boat was rocking back and forth, quicker and quicker. The people wondered what it would have been like to travel by land, that was not simpler either. The general public needs to be able to provide for their families or some people just wanted to be wealthy. Either way they were willing to travel the distance. During the California Gold Rush people faced many challenges including, traveling diseases, and crime.

During the times of the Gold Rush People faced many challenges with traveling. People brought overloads of supplies with them. The travelers had supplies that was so heavy and they had loads of it. Traveling all that way with all that bulky equipment and supplies. Journeying across was a hard and difficult task, plus fourth month. When the gold rush started all around the world wanted to go to california no matter what it took. They were willing to take a chance even if they was no gold. Traveling was very hard back then and …show more content…

Diseases came with people to california and some received it on the boat. Also knowing that people could receive a diseas on this journey is terrifying.. According to the author of Getting to California,"Drinking water, stored in barrels for months, developed a vile taste, and had to be mixed with vinegar and molasses to be drinkable. Moreover, the lack of fruits and vegetables resulted in scurvy, a disabling disease caused by lack of vitamin C. People became weak, with swollen gums, loose teeth, and sore joints."(Getting to California, 10) The traveler were willing to take a chance to be rich, but may have sore joint or a lack of vitamin c. People were highly affected by the diseases and some did not live to see california. Sometimes it's not worth the risk, knowing that you could get a disease. Diseases affected the journey so much and made the hardships even

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