
Cerebral Palsy Essay

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Cerebral Palsy is a condition where damage to certain areas of the brain result in loss of muscle control and movement. There are multiple factors that play a role in motor learning. One of these factors will be the primary focus in this paper, this factor is bimanual coordination. The five articles that will be reviewed all focus on bimanual coordination but each either has a different method of application or a specific type of cerebral palsy in the study. The first article, Bimanual movement coordination in spastic hemiparesis, uses Fitts’ task to examine whether the large movement asymmetry in subjects (with spastic hemiparesis) can be eliminated or reduced when both limbs are required to perform the same tasks.
This study involved ten students (controls). These ten students were healthy university students (mean age=21 years) (B. Steenbergen, Hulstijn, de Vries, & Berger, 1996). The second group consisted of fourteen children …show more content…

Steenbergen et al., 1996). It involved two boxes (12.5 cm x 12.5 cm) which were placed on top of a desk (B. Steenbergen et al., 1996). A contact switch was inserted under both lids, and when the hand rested on the lid of the box the switch remained in a closed position. The switch would be released once the hand started to move, providing a consistent measure of the start of the movement. The MAST apparatus was placed in front of the boxes (15.0 cm) (B. Steenbergen et al., 1996). Small balls were placed in to two grooves; these grooves had inclinations which allowed the balls to roll toward the subject. A high-frequency GO signal (1000 Hz; duration 100 ms) was generated by the computer at the start of each trial(B. Steenbergen et al., 1996). Following the GO signal, subjects were required to pick up the small ball and place it into the nearest hole as quickly as possible. In the bimanual conditions, subjects were instructed to place both balls into the designated

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