The constellation I have chosen is Centaurus! Centaurus is of course a bright constellation that belongs in the southern sky and is considered to be one of the largest constellations. Of course because of its position in the Milky Way, it contains several very bright stars and to add to this, its beta and alpha star are used to find the constellation Crux, this constellation has a magnitude of 6.5 and 281 stars and with the magnitude of 6.5 makes it visible to the unaided eye. I chose this constellation because I find it the most interesting and I find it absolutely beautiful, we have so much left to discover about this constellation.
Well in Greece, the Centaurus of course hence the name represents a Centaur or Ixionidae, this creature
The Stegosaurus is said to be twenty-six to thirty feet long and about nine feet tall! the stegosaurs weighed six thousand-eight hundred pounds, can you believe that? but it had a very small brain, about the size of a nut. they are herbivores, meaning they only eat low plants and crops. they have seventeen bone plates that grew out of its back! some think that their plates helped them look bigger maybe to scare off the meat eaters or maybe just to show off. they also have spikes on their tail, the stegosaurus tail is four feet long as their tail is also very flexible and they can use to protect themselves from large predators or scare those carnivores. Its name also means covered lizard, they could not walk very fast and some paleontologists believe that if that if they had blood veales running through their plates that its plates could change color, pretty interesting right?
The Tyrannosaurus, also known as the T-Rex, are some of the biggest carnivores that roamed this planet. A large one would weigh about 6,000 Kilograms. A large T-Rex was 12.3 meters long. It could crush bone with a single bite. It ate the big 3 witch are the Hadrosaurs, Ceratopsians, and Ankylosaurus. In the stereoscopic arc(witch is where both eyes meet) the T-Rex could see 3-D. It’s name means tyrant lizard. The T-Rex was tall but not the tallest carnivorous dinosaur.
1. I've chosen the constellation "Draco." I chose this one because it was the constellation that my mother always talked about when I was little. She'd tell me stories about it's stars and she'd always let me stay up late to look at it. Draco is the 8th largest constellation and has 9 stars, the brightest of which is Gamma Draconis. It belongs to the Ursa Major family.
I have chosen the Perseus Constellation. I chose that contallation because I have always liked the Greek Gods mythology. Perseus, named after the Greek Mythology hero, is a constellation in the Northen Sky. Perseus is bordered by Aries and Taurus to the south, Auriga to the east, Camelopardalis and Cassiopeia to the north, and Andromeda and Triangulum the west.
The constellation that I have chosen is Capricornus. Capricornus is one of the twelve zodiac constellations, and it symbolizes the sea-goat. The best time to see this constellation would be at ten o'clock at night in September and October, especially if you live in the Northern Hemisphere. I chose this constellation because according to Astrology I am a Capricorn and thought it would be interesting to know more about the constellation relating to my zodiac sign. Capricornus has five stars with planets in it's constellation.
My favourite constellation is the Aquarius one. I particularly like this constellation because I love the mythology behind it. It is said the the Greeks connected the Aquarius constellation with Ganymede who was known as the cup bearer to the gods. According to the myth, apparently Ganymede was a handsome young boy who Zeus had an interest for. Ganymede was brought to Mount Olympus by Zeus, where he served as cup bearer to the gods and there he was granted eternal youth after he poured out Zeus wine and water which caused a great flood because he didn't want to serve drinks anymore.
Cassiopeia is the constellation I have chosen. It is a very interesting constellation, comprised of various stars named with a Greek letter followed by Cassiopeiae (e.g. Alpha Cassiopeiae). The stars also have various traditional names of other origin, for instance Alpha is traditionally called Shedir from Arabic. I chose the constellation partly because I like the name, but it also has interesting origins and I am glad I looked up more details about it.
I chose Sagittarius for my favorite constellation. Sagittarius is latin for Archer and sits next to Scorpius on the west and Capricornus to the East. I chose this constellation because it is my astrology constellation and I wanted to learn more about it.
I chose the constellation, Orion. It is one of my favorites, because ever since I was little, I was able to find it, and it was cool to me. The constellation depicts a man, holding his shield in front of hi, and sword overhead. It signifies a hunter, attack his prey, especially since he follows other celestial animals, like Lepus, a rabbit, and Taurus, a bull.
Food is essential part of our lives. Actually, food gives energy and full fill the needs of our body. There are variety of foods in the market now days earlier we were able to get raw food but new technology change people lives perpetually. A new equipment’s invent in 21th centaury make people lives way easier. These high tech machines save people time, money and health.
In the tragic play of Macbeth, William Shakespeare writes about the struggles seen by the protagonist Macbeth, in the end of the play Macbeth's attempt of claiming the title of King of Scotland ultimately fails by the fault of someone very close to him. Shakespeare wrote this play during the 16th century while the setting of it was in scotland in the medieval era around the 11th century. Lady Macbeth plays a key role in this play because of her extreme ambition and the way she doesn't fall into the typical gender roles of the time as just a home keeper. Lady Macbeth was the motive behind all of Macbeth's actions, she drove him to defeat. For this unlikely role she is the main reason for her husband's downfall because of her great ambition, her ways of getting into her husband's head, and the actions she made that got Macbeth to assassinate Duncan.
I choose orion as my favorite constellation, at first i choose it because it is sirius black middle name, and i do like the name,so simple and elegance. But then I try to search about orion and it is a pleasure to find i choose a right constellation. Do you know that BIBLE mention orion 3 times?? Do you know how cool is that? Do you know that you can see orion bare eyes?yes i believe you do,professor.
My favorite constellation is Gemini. It is my favorite constellation because I really like the meaning behind the Greek myth of the Gemini constellation. Gemini is one of the constellation of the Zodiac. It is located between Taurus to the west and Cacer to the east. It also lying between Auriga andLynx to the north and Monoceros and Canis minor to the south. The constellation contains 88 stars-the brightest star is Pollux, and the second brightest is Castor. The symbol of the Gemini constellation is ♊.
Does the words “Lost Generation” ring a bell? The “Lost Generation” was a term created for the post-World War I generation. The generation was known for being an unsatisfied, materialistic, hard drinking, fast-living crowd. A well-known group of U.S. writers established their literary reputations during this time, making them the writers of the lost generation. Among the writers, there was Earnest Hemingway. Married four times, he was one of the many writers known to use his life experiences as a plot to his fictional work. With the many different women he had in his life he was able to use his experiences with them and create simplicity masterpieces. Hemingway’s “Hills like White Elephants” was one of many short stories that amplified the lost generation living styles in a very simple writing style.
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