
Censorship In 'To Kill A Mockingbird'

Decent Essays

Censorship Exposed The Truth Hider Censorship on the news for example if someone was shot and the victim's face was blacked out and his voice was hanged so we could not recognize him that’s censorship.’’Anti groups have been getting books banned by governments because parents don’t like the violence and it talking about history because they want to hide the from their children and not only their children the whole school too’’.The School of Mississippi got the book to kill a mockingbird banned.’’Parents made that happen by complaining about the book and how they did not want any child to read the book kill a mockingbird’’. Censorship is unnecessary because hides the truth in what really happened in the actual events and how we can learn …show more content…

John Pilger said ‘’ the censorship is such on television in the u.s that films like mine don’t stand a chance’’. Censorship in the news helps, but leaves out details that are important. News articles can relate being blacked out on certain words and important facts.’’ the goal of socialism is communism’’ { Lenin} Censorship in phones is one problem because the government can listen to our phone calls and see our text messages. One, people don’t want anyone but the person they're talking listen to their calls or reading their texts. Censorship in games is about parents not wanting children to play games with violence because they think it can corrupt their minds and they might act it out in real life. Video games are bad for you just like rock n roll [Miyamoto]Censorship in internet is about the government trying to hide things from kids.When the government did that ,they mess up important charity sites and bank sites. Censorship helps us by keeping us safe censorship can stop war from happening. Kids can not be show dirty pic and videos with censorship. Censorship can let government get your name and information.In conclusion, censorship is unnecessary because it hides the truth from parents and

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